Game Crashing Multiple Times per Match

So this has been happening for a while. I quit for a couple months because of it and it's still happening. Basically, I'll be playing like normal and my game will freeze for a fraction of a second and then close without warning. The game plays perfectly fine except for this. What usually happens is that when the match finishes, the queue button says there's a new patch available that I need to download, which is never actually true. It will happen multiple times per match, and there's prettymuch no pattern as for when it happens, other than it only happening during a match. Any suggestions would be appreciated, I'm completely lost on this.
3 Replies
SunnyOP3y ago
been a couple days with nothing so uh just a ''we have no idea and you're the only one who has ever experienced this'' would help too just something lol
eko3y ago
I have no idea and you're the only one who I think has ever experienced this try searching for someone similar in community help or reddit or youtube
Cris3y ago
have u tried unplugging hdmi cord then back in

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