VALORANT14mo ago

My friend cheated????

My friend and I always play Valorant at the computer shop. Earlier, we were both playing Valorant and everything was fine. I was top fragging, and she was bottom fragging. However, she got disconnected a couple of times, and later on, a screen appeared, saying "cheater detected." My friend then informed me that she received a penalty that lasts until December, and she doesn't know what to do. She has always enjoyed playing Valorant, and to be accused of cheating seems impossible, especially in a computer shop where many people play. Can someone please tell us what we should do?
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8 Replies
sb14mo ago
well if its not your computer people are bound to download random stuff on it and you probably played a game of valorant on a computer with third party applications it doesnt even need to be cheats but things that vbalorant thinks affect your gameplay that you may not even realize
ricekristies14mo ago
yea i don’t trust computer shops 😭
Bonfire14mo ago
You can contact support under the account that is punished.
VANGUARD14mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
PieCreeper14mo ago
Valorant's cheater screen is so ominous lol.
nfgh14mo ago
It's pretty scary
Max14mo ago
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Max14mo ago
If you were playing at a public location (you mentioned on equipment that is not owned by you or your friend, I wonder if there was some sort of monitoring software to track what users are doing on the workstations). This kind of stuff can cause a ban, because the algorithms built into Vanguard think it's something malicious. If your story matches, and you can somehow confirm this was caused at some sort of internet cafe, you might be able to get the ban reversed, but it could take good evidence to prove such case. As others mentioned, I would recommend reach out to Valorant support as they will be your best line of assistance for such cases.

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