PREMIER: This player is outside your team's skill range and cannot be invited.
I tried to add someone new and can't invite them, then some reddit posts said to kick someone that won't play.
I tried a lot of things and now I can't add anyone back. How do I fix it?
14 Replies
did u find a way to fix this?
that guy's skill either too high or too low for ur team
6 month necro goes hard
u can only have players with similar skills/rank
bruh i literally clicked on everyone i had in my friends list, go the same for all
there's no way this isnt a bug or smth
nah its because it will change your division in the league
how do i know which rank do i have to invite? we're literally 4 people inside
well you don't but it should be around the same rank as the person you kicked
Diamond 1, Platinum 1x2 and Bronze 3
yikes that's gonna be tough to find
the people we kicked were uhm Plat 3 and Plat 1 i think
i invited the bronze afterwards, somehow
yeah the bronze is an issue since you would now need some more highly ranked players to balance it out to plat elo again
i've found 2 ppl with ranks plat 2 and plat 3, through the LFG server, and i couldnt invite them in, do u think kicking the Bronze will allow me to invite them?
could work if their mmr is the same as the first two ones
impossible to know for sure since rank ≠ mmr