Can't run Valorant after upgrading to Windows 11
I recently upgraded to windows11.
Valortant is saying that I must have Secure Boot enabled - I do
Re-installed Valorant - No Success, same issue
If you're going to make an unnecessary kernel level anti-cheat at least do us the favor of supporting modern Operating systems. This is absolutely ridiculous...
5 Replies
idk it works just fine on windows 11 for me
same mine works fine
I had to uninstall and re-install three times to get it to work correctly. Kernel level anti-cheat is lazy and by the number of posts here extremely cumbersome to the user base.
Well i know how to enable Secure bot
I had this same problem
you need to go into your computers bio
and turn on secure boot
if that dosent work
reset your uefi keys
and do it
that should do the trick