How do I fix my aim?

so in deathmatches my aim is decent but as soon as I load into a competitive match I begin to aim like a headless chicken hard stuck in plastic 1. How do I fix my skill issue?
11 Replies
nii15mo ago
id say youre panic calm urself down in competitive that's the only way you could apply your deathmatch skills into competitive plus, don't be afraid to die
me15mo ago
In I'm DM use a weapon where missing your first shot means u ded. An example is the sheriff. If you can win a lot of duels with the Sheriff in DM, it'll translate to calmer aim in comp.
tbh I prefer to use guardian yea I thought so too but I try to calm myself down but I still whif I used sheriff alot cuz I just love the way it feels but I transitioned to the guardian cuz the first shot inaccuracy on the sheriff is criminal
me15mo ago
Whatever you do, just pick a weapon (or use a weapon in a way) where you lose if you don't get the first shot. It's easy to get used to the Guardian's fire rate and accuracy and damage which won't translate to other weapons. A Sheriff is kinda worse than every other weapon for a lot of reasons, which is good for practice. You want to practice with a disadvantage so that in game you're burst firing heads.
what about for consistency? btw thanks for the help
me15mo ago
For consistency sheriff really helps. You get practice adad spamming (well, tapping) and holding head height because if you do neither, you lose the duel. After a bit you could even start thinking about when to go for body shots (after getting a headshot). This can translate to the game where you know someone's damaged: you can learn when you don't need to go for a headshot.
Bro you restored my faith in humanity imma go back to using sheriff now
me15mo ago
Even try a swift play or unrated sherrif only. This is also good practice. When you go back to Vandal (or even better phantom) you'll be super accurate.
bro I lowkey hate the vandal cuz I swear to god the default vandal has increased recoil I bought my friend the revear vandal on his acc and I played on it for a while but when I play on my acc the recoil is actualy insane
me15mo ago
This is exactly why you practice with a sherrif. In an actual game when you go back to Vandal, you won't ever need to compensate for Vandal recoil. They'll already be dead.
bro you are an angel

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