71hr Comp Restriction?
I got a comp restriction for 71hr because of a chat restriction. Is there anything I can do about this? I'm unsure if I'm able to make another account or something. In the meantime I'll just play unrated and never use chat.
10 Replies
I realize I was being unkind, and plan to turn off all chat alltogether asap
Not much you can do.
Is there at least a way to turn off all chat completely?
I just want to force myself not to use it
Also, why is the punishment so harsh? I've only ever gotten 1 warning in my entire playtime, and said similar things without getting a warning
because I don't want to say something rude impulsively to, say, an odin user in comp (which gets under my skin)
Thats just how it is, Its possable they reported you.
@linkman8912 mute everyone text when you enter the game it can be a way
Just wanted to turn off chat with the other team but I can do that just for them.
Yep you can