Queue Restrictions and Competitive Bans
The competitive restriction timers need work, I had to leave during an unrated mid game (5 stacked btw with friends, they didn't care that I had to go) and I get a 24 hour competitive ban because of afking in unrated for "ruining the experience for other players" (5 stacked by the way. they didnt care). I can't write a ticket to appeal it because they have a specific rule for the tickets 'We can't help you if you have a queue restriction timer', which they probably added because mods were probably swarmed with tickets of people asking for appeals for their timers. Maybe if they didn't give these types of restrictions so commonly or for such long periods of time unproportionally to their offense, people wouldn't have to appeal them and would be able to actually play the game.
Easy fix:
Someone afks in unrated (autodetected, small duration) in unrated - small ban in all modes (3-10 mins)
Someone afks in unrated (autodetected, long duration) in unrated - moderate ban in all modes (30-60 mins)
Someone afks in unrated (reported and confirmed by moderator) in unrated - longer ban in all modes (1-3 hours)
Someone afks in comp (autodetected, small duration) - moderate ban in competitive and unrated (10-15 mins)
Someone afks in comp (autodetected, long duration) - longer ban in competitive and unrated (1-3 hours)
Someone afks in comp (reported and confirmed by moderator) - long ban in all modes (24-72 hours)

4 Replies
Your situation is proof that the competitive cooldowns catch people who leave games a lot. You left a bunch of games, and now you can't play comp for 24h. It detected you before you even left a comp game.
thats just your friends fault for not wanting to ff in an unrated
blame it on ur friends
if theyre ur friends then they should be able to ff for u when its unrated bro