69 Replies
maybe its a 1-2 ban
whats that
like a temporary ban

3rd party
yes but like
i didnt even download anything today
i have been playing for like 3 years
i boot up
its like 11-4
do you have like
boom ban
a macro
auto clicker
the one thing that i can explain
or maybe an app to boost fps
is that
i loaded in with SoL sherrif
then i bought a sherrif
and then
it was fucking arcane
i was confused as shit
what š
then i did it next round and it was default
then i got banned
like i went a full half
bought a sheriff
it was arcane
next round
did you use a skin changing software
cus that would
show in menu
i think
but it changed like every 2 rounds
how tf do you know š¤Ø
'i think'
lmao okay
open a ticket
1. i didnt download anything
2. my skin changed only the second half
probably a game bug
im not gonna lie
i did
i'll wait 4 years now
dtop cheating
r u acoustic
then dont cheat
i dont
the people who do actually cheat dont make tickets
they just bypass it or some shit
then dont use illegal 3rd apps
i dont
shop app?
u have smth in ur pc then
application in ur phone to check ur val shop
my only possible guess is i use a custom crosshair for other games
but i dont see how that warrants a permaban since u can change ur val crosshair anyway
is that an alp

lgit an overlay
its on microsoft store
i dont even use it for val
its a crosshair overlay
on ur screen

like this

no aimbot
no nothing
its a 3rd party alp so vanguard prob detects it
they dont care if its a overlay
bro what

its bannable even if its an overlay
Its a fucking crosshair
with crosshair x you can get crosshairs people without crosshair x cant
it wasnt even open in game bar for val
why would it matter at all
the bullet size is the same
ur saying i just got permabanned from a game i spent money on because of a shape on my screen
fuck this im playing fall guys
Read the rules next time
thats exactly what im saying
judging by past messages you couldve maybe had a skin changer
not saying u did but its possible
yeah bro my bad for having a shape on my screen that wasnt even open at the time
i didnt download anything lmaooo
idk complain to riot
theyll most likely keep u banned and not tell u why u were banned
riot is shit
u r complaining cuz u break the rules? ok gg
ur defo bronze arent u
u can check my roles but ok
damn mb
still a bit stupid tho ngl
the ban
vanguard has access to all of ur pc so if it finds anything thats just a bit sus itll ban
has some false bans but still is the best antichest in the world
my alt account got banned because i was using crosshair x
idk if it was crosshair x or smthn else but i had it too
at least it wasn't my main
check if you had anything else like maybe a virus?
@rraymond crosshair app make you ban
Its this
Idk Iām not 100% sure
@rraymond im 100% sure
happened to me when i got wrongfully hwid banned for 4 months. "we can not disclose this information to you" š¤