
Who else is pissed off when there are those people that wait until the last second to lock in, its annoying when is riot gonna make the amound of time to lock in shorter, if your trying to rank up you should probably have a agent you want to play on mind before queueing, its annoying that for 90% of games I have to wait an entire min and a half cause these people want to not lock in, aint nobody got the time to be waiting a minute doing nothing
12 Replies
IDevourSoapOP14mo ago
Like I realize that smurfs and boosters are a worse problem, but this problem can be so easily fixed its insane
globgogagalab14mo ago
first people need time to discuss what agents they want to pick
🍎14mo ago
yeah but after that for example everyone locks in their agents in the first 20 seconds and there's this one person who waits until there's one second left and then locks in a duelist
globgogagalab14mo ago
if everyone locked their agents then it goes to loading screen
🍎14mo ago
except one person they make everyone wait
globgogagalab14mo ago
so everyone should he affected and wont be abke to discuss agents anymore because of one person?
🍎14mo ago
ok so basically for example You queue into a team deathmatch 4 people lock in their agents in the first 5 seconds because it doesn't matter, so does the enemy team. There is one person however that chooses to wait until there is 1 second left to choose their agent for a reason that is unknown.
IDevourSoapOP14mo ago
Like maybe if your iron you may need like 30 to 45 secs (IF YOU ARE A FILLER) which most irons aren't, past iron people just want to start the game and mostly have an agent selected before even 30 secs.
OsWaynZz14mo ago
Why do you fill ? Your in iron, and even in high elo yoi shouldnt fill
IDevourSoapOP14mo ago
You know what idk, 99% of people already have a agent main maybe 2 or 3, there is no reason for the timer to be as long as it is, especially in comp.
zzzzzzzzzzz14mo ago
no it should be that long especially in comp people need to discuss team comps or you get 5 jett mains who all pick a different duelist if you cant wait 30 seconds then sucks for you
Aespho14mo ago
Generally ppl hover so that if ppl want changes, they can adapt Lol

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