is this a joke? I played everyday, did the daily tasks every day and I am still missing A LOT of exp?

14 Replies
you probably started late
bruh i started playing since it released but k
no need to be rude
you dont have the battlepass unlocked
you get an XP boost for having it unlocked
30xp aint gonna change a lot
you have to grind a lot more if you dont buy it
its pretty fair
no it's not
anyone who is not addicted to this game is struggling to finish it
not really
i completed it a month ago
you probably have 999999999 weeklies left
this exactly
no I don't have weeklies left
bp in valo is a grind fiesta and that's a fact
no not really lol
its really easy actually
play casually one or two games a day and you will easily complete it if you start at the beginning
aight lets say i have weeklies left
what is the highes amount of xp for a weekly this week
and of course it's not 19,600 like on my ss
there is no timer left so it's obvious no more weeklies for me
You just didn't play as much as you thought you did
Weeklies lol and ya you probably did not play as much as you thought