FPS drops
my FPS is usually smooth 60 FPS throughout the first 10 minutes of a match but then it just starts gradually dropping from there to 30 then to 20 and it drops to like 4 whenever im in a gunfight or something important is happening
another issue is when the aforementioned FPS drops happen my movement is like delayed and janky and i only move like 0.6 seconds after i hit the key
im using:
windows 10 dell laptop 64x thing
8 ram
CPU: intel core i7-4610M 3.00 GHz
my gpus:
GPU 0: Intel HD Graphics 4600
GPU 1: AMD Radeon HD 8790M
ive tried FPS guides and everything but none of them worked, do you guys know if theres any way i can fix this or is the only method truly to just upgrade my specs or get a PC
85 Replies
im new to valorant and i set all my graphics settings to low and i cant make my resolution any lower than it currently is
so the specs of ur pc is better than mine but i run valorant at 120 fps
did u stop startup apps
i did that
is it like a malware or virus issue
did u change settings in the valo files?
that text file thing right
yeah i saw a youtube guide on how to do it
i changed them to the lowest
i think i set one of them to 90 i could try setting it to 85
like they said
how many valo id u have
like valorant accounts?
or that thing they said in the guides
i thought i didnt need to do it if i only had 1 account since im new
i have 1 valorant account
open the txt document whare u change 90 then
copy this setting
okay ill go try that
are there any other tips incase it doesnt work?
and what resolution do u play on
ill check hold on
make it the lowes in whch (16:9) is available
and close all the unwanted background app using the task manager
and do u limit ur fps?
like in valorant
its limited to 60
no set everything that has limit to off
did u make valo high performence in the settings?
ok heres my resolution

lowest resolution i can set it to is 1024x 767
u can use 4:3 if u dont have problem
u play on a laptop?
did u change power plan
i couldnt do ultra performance
but i did high performance
i think i did a custom one
so can u send me a photo of ur task maneger
the performance tab?
or the main one
the main one
here it is

i have valorant currently opened
but on the menu
so open startup
also for some reason when i tried setting it to that it changed it back to the original resolution and stopped me from being able to change it
and set every thing to desabled
im doing it
and whenever u open edge it will run in ur background so close it using the task maneger
do u use ssd or hardrive?
hard drive
so that can also be one of the problem cause hardrive is slower than ssd
yea i saw a post about it
i want to avoid upgrading or changing my laptops specs until im sure theres absolutely no other way to stop the FPS drops
no problem
tap on the cpu tab in the tsk maneger and send me a pic
i closed valorant earlier

no not this one when u r in the main one u will see cpu memory disk and etc tap on that

right click on snipping tool and microsoft edge and tap on end task
i did it
know whenever u open valo remember close all the unwanted background apps from the task maneger
and even discord should not be opend
and try playing valo if u still have any problem contact me
yes i have discord c losed
ill go play a game to see
is it ok now?
@name1618 ok i played a match with it and the issues still remained
for the first 6 rounds, the match played like normal, but then on the 7th round the FPS drops continued to happen, and whenever i was in a gunfight my fps would drop much much lower
only at the 14th round the FPS went back to normal (54)
i noticed i couldnt change the resolution in the graphics settings too but everything else i did normally
open ur file maneger right click on this pc and select property then advance system settings in advnce tab tap on settings then again go to advance and tell me how much mb is set in virtual memory
Try Disable McAfee
Anti virus softwares have been known to slow down games
im not sure how to do it
Check ur temps
Might be overheating
you can check for the drivers updates too for your display
i tried to check for updates for my drivers but there werent any
i think this might be it i will check my temperatures
u play with external power source inserted?
ur hw was thermal throttling I believe
what is that?
like get new thermal paste?
since how long you had this pc
I had the same problem like 2 months ago
he had the pc from 2 or 3 years
yea the laptop is 2-3 years i dont remember exactly
u have to clean the old one first tho
Plug it in
more than that, even has a chance its manufactured a decade ago
its a 4610m
ur ac adapter, lets say "charge while using ur laptop"
fcpga chips have an average of 35-45w tdp
which arent suitable for dc usage
they will run out of battery(DC) very fast
I am 70% sure that its pc problem then
Does your pc gets heated up while playing?
yea my laptop runs out of battery in like 20 minutes so i have to keep it plugged in when im playing
probably i guess
i do
So did the thermals cause the issue?
Then we got the same problem
Bro new pc is the only fix
Repaste or smt
Or bring it to a repair shop
still havent repasted it yet
its kinda expensive where i live