76 Replies
Please, my skin turn red and in bad mood. i've been contacting Riot CS no one respond
@OsWaynZz remember how i talk privacy? this is what i fear of
just change password and turn on 2FA
I know it, but i dont have access
Theres no changed email confirmation on my Gmail
You might be able to recover your account here: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...

@mrbakbuki , do you account selling now? I only give my email and password only to your "Valorant store checker" if i findout my account was accsessed from israel, i will ruin you whole career
why would you give your account creds to someone in the first place
@mrbakbuki owns the APK of valorant store checker, but when hes apk was takedown from riot , their apk still run if someone not deleting the Apps
Because its almost imposible to steal someone Account without email confirmation
we talk about that ? đ¤
@laziestengineer store viewer are the biggest scam none of them are official, every of them are made to hack and sell acount after it
@OsWaynZz lets find out

what did the support say ?
@OsWaynZz if i ask you , is it possible hacking by knowing someone id?
nah but when you log to an app, it give acces to your account so they pass the A2F
No answer for 24 hours , but im chilling because i got every proof. Payments , rencent contact from riot employee
okay did you try the auto recover ?
No answer
They changed my email and password
not a ticket the auto recover
I know , its asking about where this account made , whats first skin to buy
No answer
I mean spending hundreds of dollar its not about the problem , its by fulling my whole collection. And gues what they derank my ranks
https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account Automated Recovery Tool we are talking about the same thing ? because they dont respond to it if you respond to with good answer they just ask you what email you want to recover your account
Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...
Do you want a make call?
Still no answer to my email bro, i did my automated recovery
we can but let me do smoething before
when your said im fucked up, i just wanna smash my monitor
yep i feel it in your voice hope your account will return to you
thank you for your time , merci
no need to thank me i didnt help more, sorry đ
you the only one wanna talk to me , you want coffe?
nah thank keep your money you will need it to buy skin on your new account
tf you mean?
no im not losing itt
i hope you will not lose but i think you will not have it back sadly
Threatening someone isnât smart to do, ruins your own carreer. Never shouldven logged in there
How do you know that he is the owner? Could you send me the store checker in dmâs so i can run a full scan of it
Lemme add you
How do you know thst hes the owner jl
Hes apk was take down in playstore
Just bcs he said that?
I was in hes discord channel of valorant store checker
I was respect him so much , but it was going well for 6 months using it
Maybe he didnt hack it
Are you 10000% sure you didnt try to use a different store checker after his got taken down
I know many people created a fake store checker because they knew the big one got taken down
But since i only give my email and password to his own platform , i just suscpisious
They knew people will fall for it and hack their accounts
Have u clicked anything in email
Maybe doesnt?? So how my account get steal?
Other storecheckers
Other sktes
I dont know man
Could be from anything
Because i only linked it to hes platform
Did you had 2fa before?
when you link your account to an app they can log in even if you have A2F
I know
But i dont think that guy hacked his account
So im trying to see how he got hacked
I dont have email confirmation if someone hack my account
What happend after , i see activitiy on tracker
And riot support not respond my email
You ask me links? The apk was take down but everyone can still using it aslong the dont uninstall
My Account is back , you guys never use such an app like store viewer , never login in there.
@laziestengineer yep they are not official, have fun bro đ
You are trash @mrbakbuki , you better force down your APK , you still keep that apk runs while no longer available in playstores , and yet. People still can use that app aslong they dont uninstall it
@Lawliet | #1 BaelandJavaHater
@laziestengineer did u visit some sites that likely to be malicious?
if u have ur riot account logged in on ur browser and u visited some malicious sites
I was using the store viewer apk by the bakbuki guy, never use that thing
they may access ur cookies(by some exploits) and steal the token
I afraid yes, thats why i do the cleaning when i got recovery the account
whats up
I got hacked , and they deranks my account
You can read from the begining
oh trust me i had a similar issue
someone hacked my bank account and purchased ~12,000 VP
i told riot i want to refund everything
guess what
nothing got refunded
But that sucks more bro i bet u grinded like 100000 hours
@laziestengineer just make more tickets, if they dont respond to one make another one cause this case takes serious to a whole another level
I got my account back already
Took about 4 days to recovery
oh but they deranked it?
were u diamond
that sucks
From Diamond 3 AHHAHA
I got it when diamond 1 mmr 0
so u were like
at the peak
of getting

@futabol đ
Where you from?
when? april 12th 2006
oh u mean where
bro i wish i was atleast gold on god
Nt đ
bro are u in my game
u said nt
aka nite try