HELP! I cant use my voice comms for some reason...
my voice comms for some reason in game dont work... and my mic is fine the loopback features clearly picks up my microphone and this is really getting annoying, Ive tried multiple obvious things but its not working.
12 Replies
Have you downloaded any voicechangers recently like voicemod?
@Deleted User
Any new mics?
its not the mic when I open loopback I can clearly hear my voice in the game
but when I click my clearly correct button it dont work
When you load into a game does it say chatroom not connected?
it did once like a couple days early
when people were having problems but I dont think the network is an issue here
I'm stumped
I would suggest turning to Reddit because they are much more reliable then the Discord (I think)
I cant find anything and its really frustrating
I'm sorry, I wish I could help but I'm not that experienced
Ok I fixed it
my brother helped
what was the issue?