Viper's Pit

How about this rework? (I sent this to Riot support)
12 Replies
LudocielOP15mo ago
I would like to forward a very interesting mechanics idea in order to rework Viper's Ultimate (VIPER'S PIT). Currently, at maximum graphics settings, the Viper's Pit lacks realistic visual assets. It does not look like smoke from the outside. The inside of the pit is a simple greenish colour combined with Nearsight, however, this mechanic does not give Viper's Pit the actual feel of a giant smoke cloud. The exterior looks like anything BUT a cloud. It has well-defined margins - uncharacteristic for gas. Why not make changes to give Viper a more realistic and visually intriguing ultimate? I will reference some mechanics from CS:GO 2. In the mentioned game, which I have chosen to point out the good quality of smokes, we can see how interactive the mechanics are - especially if we focus on interactions with guns and grenades. Parts of the smoke cloud are dispersed when bullets fly through them OR when grenades explode, and after a very short while (in order to maintain the in-game effectiveness of the smoke) the gaps are filled with smoke again.
Counter-Strike 2: Responsive Smokes
Smoke Grenades are now dynamic volumetric objects that interact with the environment, and react to lighting, gunfire, and explosions.
LudocielOP15mo ago
Viper's Pit would seem to fit well with this mechanics change, and I will follow-up with an in-depth explanation to cover potential balancing problems regarding this change. INSIDE VIPER'S PIT Firstly, the Viper's Pit will maintain Decay and Nearsight as the effects of entering it. VIPER BUFF: Enemies entering the Viper's Pit will no longer see ENEMY OUTLINES on Viper, making it harder to eliminate the scientist. OUTSIDE VIPER'S PIT Secondly, the Viper's Pit will be affected by bullets and grenades. As seen in CS:GO 2, the Viper's Pit will slightly disperse around the trajectory of bullets that pass through it. In addition, grenades like Raze's PAINT SHELLS will disperse the cloud for a short while. Any deformation of the Viper's Pit due to bullets and grenades will be restored after a very short while, around 1 to 2 seconds, to maintain game balance. Enemies outside the Viper's Pit (such as enemies who SHOOT through the Pit or THROW GRENADES) will be able to see Viper if she steps into these regions because the Pit has been dispersed as a result of bullets/grenades. Do not worry about this idea's implications on game balancing, as the outcome of Viper's Pit will STILL solely rely on player skills, with these new mechanics not creating any sort of disadvantage. For instance, if a problem is to arise - "But players from outside the Pit will notice Viper if she steps into regions where the cloud is currently dispersed!" -, bullets will disperse only a very small portion of the cloud around their trajectory, to maintain game balance. Grenades (such as Raze) will disperse significantly more of the smoky cloud, however, it is logical that Viper will avoid the grenades (therefore will NOT be situated in the smoky region dispersed by the grenade). There is a balanced relationship between the interior (enemies can no longer see Viper's ENEMY OUTLINE) and the exterior (Viper can be seen much easier from the exterior if she steps into areas dispersed by grenades, right after the grenades explode). The change of mechanics offers Viper an advantage against enemies inside her Pit while improving the mechanics of her Ultimate, adding realism to the game and balancing the buff inside the Pit with the risks Viper takes if seen by enemies from outside the Pit.
Context: The current visuals for Viper's Pit are disappointing. The inside of Viper's Pit looks NOTHING like actual smokes, and the exterior looks like a greenish pudding.
Context: The current visuals for Viper's Pit are disappointing. The inside of Viper's Pit looks NOTHING like actual smokes, and the exterior looks like a greenish pudding.
for the better all smokes in valorant are like this
LudocielOP15mo ago
i know
cool idea tho
LudocielOP15mo ago
yeah i really wish they remake all smokes in the game mostly viper's pit, because that's what i honestly care about Viper's Pit literally looks like a pudding from the outside, and the inside barely looks like fog it looks close to the real-life fog, but not quite yet lacks detail it should be less vision
thank15mo ago
its a cartoon type game thats why if it was realistic, the smoke would look nothing like how it does now
LudocielOP15mo ago
that doesnt mean theres no room for improvement, right?
thank15mo ago
making it more realistic isn't going to benefit a cartoon like game
LudocielOP15mo ago
this game shouldn't be limited only to "cartoon"-like style not a reason to reject improvement
thank15mo ago
it isnt improvement as it doesnt match the vibe and look of the game that's like saying a cartoon tv show should be more realistic and have more realism it doesnt make sense
LudocielOP15mo ago
i dont understand where you got the idea that this game needs to stay cartoony i want the smokes to look like in the trailers/cinematics for valorant

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