Hello, I was there to play Valorant, and I got an alert that I had to activate certain things in the bios, it seemed strange to me, but I activated them, and even so, afterward I received a bit of a ban.

11 Replies
let's say u alr got banned before the requirements popped up
and no, that's the requirements for who plays on an old/highly vulnerable machine or win11
it wont cause u to be banned
Yes and then that ban on the face xD, I was never banned
u or someone else mightve cheated on ur account
or attempted to cheat
skill issue xD
So if someone cheats on my account, will it affect me too?
I would fix that they recently gave me a virus and I had to reset everything
And I had problems with other platforms
why not? it's the account used for cheats
Oh my life, what should I do, I have proof of irregular logins from foreign countries.
stop talking like 9 y old tho
contact riot support
only they can unban u
if it was unauthorized
Okay thanks friend
Using the link below, if you get banned, as you see it as unfair, you can appeal the ban and discuss it with Valorant’s support team
<:logo_VALORANT:685247196979134495> ~ Official Valorant Ticket System: