VALORANT14mo ago

How should I get better

So i started playing valorant again like 2 weeks ago after a lingering break and I want to know how to get better aim, gamesense, etc. Any guides or warmups i should be doing? aimlabs or other aimtrainers? Be as brutally honest as possible please. My tracker https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/i%20miss%20her%23kisme/overview
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16 Replies
q with friends warmup with tdm or something if u want do vt x woohoojin on aimlabs and play more
nickOP14mo ago
only friends i got are diamond+
play unrated with them
nickOP14mo ago
aight is that a playlist or smth ?
Verolex14mo ago
There are a few tips i can give you 1. Watch woohoojin as he is a great coach who creates good informative content (https://www.youtube.com/@Woohoojin) 2. Choose one agent to main (I see you are silver and have played 3 different agents this act) so just choose one and stick to it as team comps don't really matter until you get to higher ranks so by choosing one agent you get better and can learn the ins and outs of that agent which in turn helps your overall util usage 3. Do the Voltaic x Woohoojin playlist as the person above suggested 4. Play with intent to improve not to rank up (meaning you don't really care if you lose or not and are more concerned whether or not you played well that game) DOES NOT MEAN YOU DO NOT WANT/CARE TO WIN just means that your mental state isnt dictated by wins or losses
Competitive esports player with over a decade of experience in playing competitive titles. I frequently do free VOD reviews on stream for viewers.
nickOP14mo ago
so should i just find an agent i like and stick to it?
great tips
zzzzzzzzzzz14mo ago
nickOP14mo ago
and once i do get into higher ranks what is a good team comp?
zzzzzzzzzzz14mo ago
depends on map
Verolex14mo ago
preferably 1 dive duelist (raze, neon, jett) - To take space 1 smoke agent - To smoke off angles and prevent oppers/crossfires 1 info agent (sova, cypher, fade etc) - To clear close angles/shotgunners and help clear site 1 flash agent (phoenix, breach, skye etc) - To assist the duelist / flash out of smokes 1 sentinel (chamber, cypher, sage, kj) - to stall pushes/watch flank IN MY OPINION AS A MID ELO PLAYER (so take it with a grain of salt) D1 rn
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi14mo ago
^ is a good basic rule for team comps but you also have to consider the type if smokes for each map like would you rather a wall ( viper, harbor) or smoke since you are new, you should just play more and get used to the maps more the aim training stuff is optional atm and bad team comp wont be the biggest worry in low elo also experiment with the agents you currently have and base your future unlocks on your preferred playstyle
nickOP14mo ago
i used to play a decent ammount so i got all but 3 agents
sb14mo ago
try to just one trick till plat at least tho
Milk!14mo ago
only play ranked, insta lock ur agent, fuck aimlabs and warm ups, if youre gold and below it doesnt matter yo (best advice)

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