i can tell which looks better, im trying to learn the recoil for the guns
idk the patterns either just going based on my gun when shooting without pulling down
15 Replies
the first on was better, keep up your aim, never know when you'll need it
did i do the pattern right?
The pattern is right, you just need to get used to the timing of when the recoil switches directions
Also you should practice from a further distance
At that range run and gun is just as accurate in most situations
The gun moves left then right then left
Get the timing of that movement down and it's pretty much perfect
Down left then right then back left?
Honestly you'll never really use the full spray in an actual game
First 8 bullets are just pull down and left
Valorant spray is partially rng compared to cs. Bursting and tapping are more worth focusing on unless the person is right in your face.
Like straight down then left?
If you're going further into the spray you should just be tapping
Unless you spray transfer
But that happens so rarely that it's not really a big deal to practice (and has a decent amount of rng involved)
Reseting and then shooting again > spray transfer
Wym valorant sprays are rng?
random bullet spread is a thing, like bullets will go up, left right, but its a different pattern every time