which new agent??????
i got a ticket to get my first free agent. whicg agent should i get?????????????????????????????????
42 Replies
uhh reyna
or smth
@ghost_ibiel bad idea
@birb_13767 gekko and killjoy are probably the easiest
The 2 give a good show of their class job
It depends on your play style.
reyna is for stupid people with no brain
i did omen but its up to you man
or just spn a wheel
reyna needs some brain, she just requires less brain and more aim which can help train aim better than other agents
Reyna has a high skill cap
@.nfgh. no she dont
She has a low skill cap
it might actually be the complete opposite
reyna has arguably the lowest skill cap in the game
reyna AS AN AGENT has a low skill cap but to be good at reyna is to have good aim and mechanics too basically... think of being good at omen as only his abilities, but being good at reyna you need good aim, movement, gunfight etc
thats a lot of answers
thx for all of the help
reyna is no brain only aim people
idk y but many ppl just flame me for instalocking reyna n in the end i mostly top frag with reyna n they will tell still i was only good aim n no team support idk y
they r just dumb
at the end win is what matters
do u win the game tho
mostly all win with me top fraggin in match mvp or 2nd place
thats nice
kinda same with me too
my tracker

n idk y i got paired up in plat lobbies for 2 games n did too bad there ๐
im just bronze btw
you need gamesense to use her and some brain to use her flash
you need brain for every agent, just some are more than others
not when i use her
i am dum
not brain as in smokes and recon and stuff, just basic gamesense
how do i see this?

this is a help chat
not a "trying to make the beginner in awe" chat
too much
new agents depend on playstyle
easier agents to play are skye, omen, killjoy, cypher
if you like duelists raze is probably best option
skye or kayo for initiator - skye is easier
omen or viper for smokes but viper is more situational
and cypher or kj for senti\
Cyper is better
yk it depends on maps right
theres no definitive "better" agent on any role
kj is better on lotus, icebox\
just pick an agent and get used to it you'll probably get enough kindgom credit to buy another
thats a lot of help
thx to all
Cypher traps dont have range cypher can still be used in icebox and lotus :/ cyper is op on lotus right now after the changes
Kj cant hold C with her kit anymore cypher can๐คก
Cypher can be played on : ascent, bind, heaven, lotus, split, sunset, breeze.
say every map its easier
But its true
yeah its true
Kj now after the nerf is bye bye
of course always was, its just killjoy is easier so everyone play her but cypher was always better
thx for all of the help
no shit but its literally the guys first agent
kj is much easier for a newer player
i picked cupher
anyway i have like 7000 kingdom credits
so ill pick kj
but thx for all of the help