VALORANT14mo ago

Cannot add someone to my premier team?

Hello, I recently had one of my friends leave my premier team. When I tried inviting them back, it says the "skill difference is too high," is there anything that I can do? Everyone was gold and plat at the time of the enrollment, but now a couple of us are diamond. How can we invite anyone?
3 Replies
Saucywan14mo ago
There are restrictions once you enroll your team: You’ll be limited to only inviting other players that would not cause your team to change Divisions. If inviting a player would cause your team to change Divisions, the Team Owner will see an error message when attempting to invite: "This player is outside your team's skill range and cannot be invited."
ZabaOP14mo ago
My division is Advanced 2, so does that mean I can only invite people in this division?
Saucywan14mo ago
If it causes your team to change divisions, yes

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