bruh please help i havn't played in like 2 months for. I dont have vgc and i dont have riot vanguard
I legit dont know what to do and i wanna play so bad if anyone can help me i will be so happy. what happened was i was getting an error, and someone told me to uninstall vangaurd. i did it incorecctly then this error popped up, i looked aty 94 videos and they were all the same, they all told me to go to vgc or uninstall vanguard when i had neither. I tried to factory reset my pc but its had a problem where when i facotry reset it the "wipe everything" and "local install" options dont show up so this keeps most of my old files. i tried to uninstall and reinstall, uninstall factory reset then install but nothing works please help :(.

31 Replies
Have you tried reaching out to Riot Support?
6 times
I've deleted your other post (identical to this), FYI. Anyway, problem is that any community help youll get, youve most likely already come across
And Riot hasnt been helpful at all?
You might have tried this already but go to your task manager, end EVERY Riot related task
Then launch the riot client in administrator mode
tried it
Do you have an anti virus program?
What has Riot suggested you do?

uninstall reinstall
lemme check the rest rw
You know the little "up arrow", bottom right of the screen


If you click it, in the menu

Does the vanguard icon pop up?

Looking into it now
alr thx man
hopin for the best
Ok so Ive found something
However this is extremely unsure. DMing you
last time i had no idea what to do also until i decided to reset my pc. now its ok
Yeah, a complete reset will fix the issue. However their problem is that the computer isn’t giving them the option to remove all files when resetting.
did u fix it? bc my dont work