Valorant isn't launching
Hello! My valorant is not launching at all. Earlier today, I had some issue with compatibility settings, I think it was fixed on its own. After that I was having an issue where it told me "Internet not found" and I reinstalled it multiple times to fix it but it didn't work. Finally, I found a youtube video that asked me to change my DNS settings. After that was solved the installer was really glitchy and kept stopping the download. And it finally worked and now, I'm having an issue (check image), after I opened it from tray it tells me that I need secure boot and TPM 2.0, but I already meet those requirements. Please help!

58 Replies
samething has been happening to me idk how to fix it, i dont wanna go into bios and screw sum up w my pc so idk if there is a fix
same my laptop already got screwed once because i did smt w bios
same and i just got this pc like 4 days ago
but the thing is it already has secure boot and tpm 2.0 enabled
not tryna screw it up just to play fukin valorant
thats weird
ill give ss one sec
do you have windows 11?
yes i just got it today
yeah thats why ig
at least from what ive researched so far
valorant stupid rn

how did you get that
i cant find that stuff 💀
theres an app called pc health check
i think it's built in
check if u have it i already had it
kk gimmie a sec
yeah idk i dont have that on my pc
im just tryna play valorant 😭
the pc health check thing
ion got that
im going to try n reinstall it
see if that works
i reinstalled it like 5 times
this is dumb idk why this is happening its my first time playing valorant
damn thats sad
my valorant was working literally 24 hours ago from now
idk what happened
i think its something to do w my windows 11 update
yeah they need to fix this asap
yeah i hope someones got a solution for this lmfao
okay i just found out secure boot isn't enabled is there any way i can do that without going into bios settings
If you have secure boot and TPM 2.0 enabled on windows 11 and you still get the error you need to revert to windows 10
i found out secure boot is disabled is there anyway i can enable it without entering bios settings
Only way is in your bios
It’s not hard to do, only one or two settings
yeah but i dont wanna enter it bc last time i did i messed smth up and my pc was fucked
What did you change?
Just don’t change settings besides secure boot
ill just see if theres anything else i can do
You have to enable secure boot in your bios to play valorant
There is no other way
i meant ill see if theres any other way to enable secure boot
There is not any easy way
this is stupid
just reinstalled
still doesnt work smh
Not really… just enable secure boot and TPM 2.0
i just dont wanna fuck smthin up
in my pc
will it change anything fps wise or anything like dat if i enable it?
Secure boot only lets windows boot, and TPM is more protection from viruses
Both give more security on your device
oh ok bet
Np. You can always use Google for more information
i found out you can do this with registry editor as well but once i change it and restart it disabled secure boot
Yep. That’s why you want it do it in bios
alr ill try ig
If ur carful you won’t harm ur computer
just fixed it
finally working
just had to enable secure boot
didnt work
what does it say for u now
it actually loaded this time
so i thought it worked
but then it did it again
wtv imma jus play apex
did u the tpm thing as well?
i cant find it
in my bios
i wld do the same but all my frnds love valo
damn ill try the bios settings tmr
im sleepy rn so i might accidentally click smth wrong
yeah good luck
i think you're supposed to download it
TPM 2.0 is under advanced or security (depends on your motherboard) and secure boot is under boot
okay i tried to enable secure boot but it's greyed out? my pc supports secure boot according to the pc health check app (asus computer btw)
okay i rlly think my laptop doesnt want me to play valo lol, i fixed the secure boot thing but now when i login it logs me into the account i used for league of legends, it has the same username but different tag and different server i think
Then log out and log into your valorant account