Deathmatch gameplay

Can someone watch this and tell me things that im doing wrong?
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10 Replies
𝒥𝑒𝒹𝒹14mo ago
1. playing guardian 2. scoping too much 3. not strafing 4. shift peaking
zzzzzzzzzzzOP14mo ago
whats wrong with guardian? i applied some of the things you mentioned and went 34 kills in a dm
bolts14mo ago
your movement is bad, go watch yt videos on movement
citywok14mo ago
i would get a less bulky crosshair, generally any crosshair that is bigger than the enemies head is bad, and make sure to give yourself that time to really lock down on the head, thats something other players won't do, thats your advantage. Also, you probably want to look into movement and try to keep your crosshair in places enemies have to come into. Also, is your fps capped? I think you could really improve positioning such as off angles, and movement. if you had that you would look great
zzzzzzzzzzzOP14mo ago
any specific channels you recommend? fps is capped since uncapping causes screen tearing
bolts14mo ago
don't know much but the one i used to watch was woohoojin
zzzzzzzzzzzOP14mo ago
the movement mastery ones?
Max14mo ago
It almost feels and looks like you spend too much time waiting for something to happen. 1. Your crosshair placement looks pretty decent, I would maybe increase some of your fight or flight movement (panic, flick, and shoot). Quicker jolts of the mouse. DEADZONING!!! I can't stress that enough, deadzoning will take you a long ways, especially around tight corners, and just in 1 on 1 fights in general. Deadzoning allows your recoil to center in, right before taking the shot, and makes your strafes less predictable. 2. Spend less time fine tuning your sens, especially in between deathmatch fights, you're only questioning yourself more and more as you try to improve. If you're looking to lock in a specific sens, I would recommend doing it in practice (then dedicate and stick to it so you can improve your reactionary motor skills). This in theory should put less mental stress on yourself warming up. 3. Scopes in my opinion are not the most useful in Valorant since you're only multiplying your view by a very small factor. I would utilize scope for long range shots that you feel the need for or out of disparity, without compromising your ability to get the kill of course. I'm a counter strike player of 22 years, I apologize for the complexity of my advice. Best of luck to you nonetheless.
zzzzzzzzzzzOP14mo ago
thanks for your answer ill try implementing your tips especially the deadzoning one
citywok14mo ago
thanks just capped my fps lol

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