oni 2.0
is the katana also going to be 3500 vp like last or us it gona be like reaver where its more expensive
8 Replies
no way for us to know but im willing to bet its gonna be on the more expensive side of things
i would buy it if its same price but probably not if its more expensive
i doubt it
they clearly put a large amount of effort into it
so its probably more expensive than 3500
i need a good melee for 3500
i was thinking its prob gonna be same as oni 1.0
too lazy to figure out what that price is tho
oni 1.0 was 1775 for phantom
the guns are probably gonna be the same and the knife will probably be 4350
since thats what most 2.0s do
yea that sucks not about to buy $50 vp