Need help choosing a sens

Hiya! Im fairly new to valorant and i have no idea how to find a good sens, i feel like mine is a bit to high, being at 0.822 in valorant and having 800 dpi. This was recomended to my via the aimlabs app, i have a small mousepad but im willing to upgraae as well, any sugestions?
2 Replies
JSN2y ago
The best sensitivity will always be one you're used to the most. Aimlabs can help you grind out the uncomfortable feeling you have once you pick one. Personally, I make sure it takes an entire swipe of my mouse pad to do a 360, so it's slow enough to controll, but can easily 180 from anywhere on the mouse pad. I do have a 14+ inch mouse pad tho.
WolcamOP2y ago
I have like a tiny one, I’m thinking of buying a new bigger one, my one currently is about 20 cm wide or 7.8 inch. Do you have any recommendations? I’m thinking of maybe even halving my sens and getting use to. I recorded my self playing a death match and I feel like it’s way to flicky, tiniest moves cause like huge offset.

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