VALORANT15mo ago

I used to have an easy 15-23ms ping. Now its 60.

This problem was non existent early christmas morning. I got back on around 8pm and my ping was triple what it used to be! I didn't do anything that day other than play a single game of valorant prior to this issue occuring. What can I do other than mess with my router(I have already done this plenty) to fix this issue and bring my ping back down?
2 Replies
afriendlymedic15mo ago
its nothing on your side its your isp its routing you can try like "wtfast" or cloudflare warp
corbotOP15mo ago
The main thing that confuses me is the fact that games like call of duty and fortnite give me pings of 8-16ms I thought it was my internet provider as well i will look into these apps Warp worked! But now it still shows my lowest ping as N Virginia servers. All my local friends and people I play with have bad ping on this server. Is there a way to get my lowest ping back to Illinois servers? the problem fixed itself after 4 days

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