Having trouble with “secure boot” this is my first time installing valortant
This is what comes up

6 Replies
If enabled, try to disable it in bios, exit bios, re-enter bios and enable it again. If it doesn't work, try to disable it in bios, exit bios, load into windows with it disabled, restart pc, enable it again.
the problem is its off and when i go to bios i look everywhere and i cant find any sort of secure boot
i think i know how to fix come dm
Search your bios in YouTube, i have a Gigabyte bios and i searched it up in YouTube on how to turn on the secure boot and it works🙀
Do you have a boot mode menu/setting in bios? Is it set to UEFI, if not try to do that.
yes it is UEFI
its ok i appreciate the help