Val 7 error
i got this error since last night (8 pm, GMT+7)
i've tried run as administrator, restart PC, reinstall valorant (whole along with vanguard).
lately i tried to switch network (to another wifi), and i can log in.
the case, just i can't play properly using the 2nd one.
no idea how it can't run using the first wifi
15 Replies
Val 7 can indicate an account ban
Please check your emails for confirmation
nah, the only email i got from riot just the one abt my ticket (which i created last night)
and the fact that i can log in with different network, i don't think that's an acc ban
You can launch/play valorant?
On a different network?
Is it from the same network aka from the same modem
So not like a friends wifi, or something like that
nah, different
i think it is. it's from different modem and even different net provider
Then it’s not from the same network
then is there's something i can do with the first network? coz the 2nd one is totally improper to play val
First try this
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
netsh winsock reset
Open cmd as admin
And enter the commands one by one
still not work. i restarted my pc as the instruction on cmd anyway
I see
I have to leave now
But I’ll check in the morning
It’s 12:52 am for me
ok, ty for helping.
just tried turning off firewall and still unable to login
Maybe u have a vpn on?
no i don't
the problem magically solved out of the blue.