I lost my acc I used the email that I signed in and it made a new acc pls help me
Idk what to do im so stressed out
6 Replies
Try to first contact Valorant support, do you have the username and password saved anywhere or did you not create one?
i think this link is the one
Recover Your Account
Want to recover your Riot Account? Well, we want you back in game ASAP! Use this form below to get your account back.
this has been happening a lot lately specially to accounts that have been inactively for a while i was a victim too you just send a ticket and wait for a couple of days and they will get back to you
i just got hacked and got my acc back as well
the hacked converted my account into a regionless account with a new username and my region locked account was binded to a new email
i had to send a ticket again after i realized that
i assume you are experiencing the same issue your progress is probobly now associated with a new email and username
If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045619633-Error-Codes-in-VALORANT.