why am i as an iron 2 queueing with 2 diamonds 2 silvers and against 3 golds on plat and one silver?

im so bad at valo. why am i getting queued with people so much better than me??
11 Replies
Ghxst2mo ago
me2mo ago
which queue is it? competitive? And are you soloq or in a party?
evan2mo ago
if ur 5 stacking then its pretty obvious that your going to get higher elo players
me2mo ago
yah; a tonne of people complain that there's high skill disparity in unrated (very obvious why), and some people don't realize that there's no skill disparity cap for 5 stacks.
evan2mo ago
if ur queing with silvers tho it can just be mmr
☁ ecrise ☁
☁ ecrise ☁2mo ago
solo comp
me2mo ago
Is their rank currently diamond? Or their last act rank?
☁ ecrise ☁
☁ ecrise ☁2mo ago
gold plat
me2mo ago
Last act rank or their current rank?
☁ ecrise ☁
☁ ecrise ☁2mo ago
last act
me2mo ago
It's possible to just throw matches until you derank a lot. Also every episode everyone loses rank.