TPM 2.0 Error on Windows 10???
So recently I wanted to play valorant on my I3 7100, Windows 10 installed on it but i'm getting an error that say's: your account does not meet the requirements in order to play valorant. This has never happened to me ever on windows 10 and this PC specifically. I tried following this article:
I tried to reach out for other players that has TPM unsupported and on windows 10, they did not experience this error. I have secure boot ON. I have UEFI mode ON. I basically did everything that the articles said about this problem Thank you in advance.

40 Replies
Update your bios and
enable secure boot
u don't need to update ur bios but u can do it if u want
I assume u are on legacy mode or uefi mode with csm to boot ur mbr disks
u don't enjoy uefi features by that
u can't use secure boot with csm on, and vanguard doesn't like legacy bios
so u will need to reinstall windows using an usb and convert ur disk to gpt during windows setup, and turn csm off, then u can turn secure boot on
or u can try third party softwares that can convert mbr disk to gpt without data loss, but I can't recommend them
the best way is to wipe the filesystem completely to avoid problems
in windows setup, disk selection screen, shift+f10
in cmd, do these
but warning that this will wipe ur whole disk, meaning that ur partitions on that disk will also get lost
so backup them to another disk first
to check partitions on that disk, use
list part
after selecting ur disk
and to check which volume it points to, sel part ()
then list vol

it automatically turned OFF because secure boot state was ON
what about tpm?
not supported on my cpu
can u see the tpm 2.0 module in device manager?
whats ur mobo
no informations about that
neither in their website and myself

there is nothing related to TPM, or Security devices

it looks like this
ur tpm module may name differently
theres a high chance u have tpm 2.0
u sure?
its a I3 7100
since ur cpu is out at 2016 q3
anything after 2014 should have it

almost every mobo
yep, i don't have anything related to TPM in my device manager
my mobo was released on 2017
which mobo is it
biostar b250mdc
can u show me ur boot and advanced tab
it may be inside security too

oh yeah i tried finding this too
it was not there
sure, wait

ah yes, ur mobo doesnt have tpm 2.0

oh, so i am screwed i guess
thats sad
so basically there is nothing i can do about it?
thats some new restrictions started recently
when ur machine is rated as vulnerable
maybe try asking riot support what can u do about it
on win10*
yea i opened a ticket, i haven't checked if they replied or not
but anyways
u can also get a mobo with tpm 2.0
thank you for trying to help
but that will cost some
broke 😅
and i want lga 1151 specifically