smurfing problem
i've realised, if you're in low elo like me (bronze - silver) every 2 times you win, there is a smurf. everytime they have the same rank, silver1 but they play like an ascendant. its impossible to grow a winstreak and normally gain rr with the amount of smurfing.
44 Replies
i think its something uncontrolled bro , like sometimes maybe they ARE smurfers and sometimes they just play better and look like smurf
valorant system hard to control that , guess what? its belong to player hands , and you cant control human , some people bad at math yesterday , but they changed become good tomorow , thats how its works
ah yes this guy totally isnt smurfing

my 2nd match today
and again a smurf
3kd, 450 avcs
i thinkk they should just raise the level cap
to like 25 or 30
cus some ppl que into ranked barely knowing the game
Aint worked , i seen people lvl 400 but ranked bronze
well it would rerduce the smurfs if they raised the level req to maybe like 30 -40 not saying itll eliminate all smurfs but it would def get rid of some
Here's a tip, communicate with your team and use most of your utility on the smurf whenever you see him
Then the rest is all skill
And almost every fps game has this problem, and some people are just really good
@qz0101 a tips is work on your mechanic most of the time they are not smurf, your rarely find smurf if you dont 5stack
There's also a chance for the smurf to be on your team.
happened once
only once
Unlucky then
Do you 5stack ?
na i dnt have friends for ts
@qz0101 so you soloq ?
@qz0101 can you give me your tracker ?
EVO ppicked#Daddy
Okay i will look at it after
@qz0101 dont look like any smurf here the one that top frags are mostly luck they have bad stats other than your game, the only time you got G3 are when 5stack exept then they are all iron/silver 1
You're a baiting duelist it looks like
Either play more agro or stick to Cypher and yoru.
You're fb and fd are so low its insane
@qz0101 your mechanic are probably pretty bad i think so you think they kills you like they are smurfing but you just have wrong movement so they see you first or you are doing something wrong
whats does that mean
First bloods and first deaths
i started playing a month if not higher ago so im not that good yet
It's how I know you don't entry
if you want to improve youtube is your best friend
i dont entry
As duelist you should be physically leading your teamates into areas
i watched a video once where i saw that duelists are very important and shouldnt die
and i sticked to that
you look at bullshit
It's literally the reverse
smoker should not die
Duelist usually have less utility, and are the most expendable.
Most initiators have high impact regening util and sentinels have to stay up so their util stays up.
The only support character that can entry would be brim without Molly that is nowhere close to ult, thst used all 3 smokes and stim to get onto site.
thats very complicated
Not really
Just go in and check your corners
I want a link to this video I'm very curious now lol
Someone is spreading misinformation
i watched it as a tutorial video when i was absolutely new
most guide on reyna and yoru say to not entry, lurk and bait, also many short at low elo say duelist should not entry you should bait your team
In summary, you shouldn't be aiming to die obviously, but out of all the characters to take the first duel, it should be the duelist.
they are total bullshit and that why there is so many hardstuck they just have the wrong basic
Can't control surfing but you can rank up by playing better.
You run into less smurfs eventually
I'm at the point where I get the 3 stack of eu radiants who get paid 10k a month tk boost, but those are the only smurfs I see now
I don't even see those in latam, so I've mostly been playing there now.
you can switch where you play at
Different account
I can tell based on my experiences , plat and diamond is easier than silver and gold.
Theres 90% smurfs in that elo
You cant do anything about smurfs , you have to get better
if you five stack most game you have a smurf yes but if soloQ, DuoQ, TrioQ no, if you find one smurf in 10 game you are unlucky
and yes this is only way smurf and cheater are part of the game