game help n fixxes

whenever i play i face wth frame skip n stutter and whenever an enemy comes in my point of vision then i face ping spikes sometimes n frame skips like i wont be able to shoot him n i would be dead. Please anyone help if you can
52 Replies
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
some one help me with this the ping spike rises from like 25-560 like that anyone got any idea please suggest im willing to try it out
bad wifi?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
no im gettin 200 mbps speed in wifi
restart game?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
No description
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
restart computer
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
tried those stuffs this started from like 1 month ago ig before it was not there
what are you computer specs
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
8 gb ddr4 ryzen 5 5600H gtx 1650 n also radeon graphics
did you turn on something that said like radeon in val setting or like freesync
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
ig game running in gtx only but im not sure no its running in nvdia nvdia low reflex latency i set to on+boost
is this on it caused some problems with my computer
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
no i turned it off
Taykeyo7mo ago
Can u try, on nvidia experience, search for Valorant and then the option optimise It helped me get more fps nd the game is so smooth
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
but im gettin fpx like 180-200 range well yea performance adjuster is on atumatic only but my display pannel is 60Hz which i overclocked to 65Hz
did you ever change any settings in the past month?
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
well yea i tried with different settings but idr exactly
Taykeyo7mo ago
Maybe try to switch on your graphic nvidia settings everything on quality to performance
try setting all to stock
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
like i changed in nvdia control pannel some stuffs from youtube which didnt understand that much so just copied
i did that with the colors and stuff but it was wierd
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
can u send a gud control pannel settings that works good for yall well colors i didnt change i changed 3d settings stuffs
there should be a button that says reset to stock or something
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
yea its there shld i try that? like restore yea
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
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Taykeyo7mo ago
For me it’s all on default, i lagged sometimes so i tried the optimise option on nvidia experience nnd it worked well
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
wdym by optimise can u send an ss of that tab idk if im misunderstanding u
gotta study for finals peace last one
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
k GL
english stupid essay
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
lmao i got science tmrw did that help well i will try it
Taykeyo7mo ago
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
k done tnx
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
No description
Taykeyo7mo ago
Okey try nd start the game now
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
kay i will just hop to death match n tell the results tnx dude for the help
Taykeyo7mo ago
Yww Nd don’t ever trust YouTube on getting more fps 😂
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
lmao tru but idek still i dont think its fixed i think its reduced a but but still
Taykeyo7mo ago
Change everything to default on the nvidia pannel The 3d settings
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
U KNOW WHAT MAN NVM i take everything back thank you i was dumb i restored default in control pannel but forgot to save n exitted:/ i did it again n joined it was better tysm to both of u i used to be like 5 n 6th place in death match after this i gor 2nd place tysm guys
Taykeyo7mo ago
Hahahha yw
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
ty but still the ping spike didnt fix that much but it reduced:) guess i was a little too greedy lmao first itself i got like 150 fps got a lil too greedy k bye i gotta study for tmrw exam:(
Taykeyo7mo ago
Good luck with thaat
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
Taykeyo7mo ago
Aim well on the exam
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
yea its science so not that hard bro the thing is not the settings its my pc itself
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
No description
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
this is when nothing is running in the background and i started it from a stut down for like 2 hrs the temps are too high
Taykeyo7mo ago
Mine’s too That’s not the problem
Rift Walk
Rift Walk7mo ago
well sure? coz a bit too high fr nothing in running in the bg like my fans r filled with dust i must give it for a clean up