Why do I lose almost the same amount of RR when I do horrible and when I do well ?
just 1 rr difference?

7 Replies
How much you lose depends on more than just how you did this game.
because rr is calculated by your mmr, team mmr, enemies mmr, mmr is hidden you cant see it, it take multiple factor in case, if you gain and lose the same amount it mean the game think you are in the right rank
i just feel like it's kind of random sometimes like i lost 5 while having less kills and assists + placing lower on the scoreboard (6th) compared to the first one both were iron/bronze lobbies

like i kind of get losing 10-20 rr but 19 to 5 is a bit extreme as these games were played on the same day so my mmr wouldn't have changed as much
because its only your mmr
oh i didn't think the enemies mmr mattered that much
thanks for replying