5-6 times in a row now.
Loading/Queue issue for me, whenever I queue into a match, my game will freeze when the timer reaches 0, it'll stay on that screen for a little while (30s to a minute or more) Before loading me into the next screen where It'll stay for another 20-60s. However if someone dodges, the game will freeze for a minute or more before taking me back to the map screen for another minute, before finally loading me into the lobby where I'll serve a 5 minute or greater Penalty due to dodging the next game due to me not selecting my agent even tho I literally couldn't. How can I fix this in a way that it will stay fixed?
7 Replies
Have you tried reinstalling it?
Long time ago, didn’t really work. Will I have to try that again?
Are all ur drivers up to date?
Yes from what I know. I’m gonna sleep now, but when I wake up I’ll do this. (5:37am pst)
Aight we up
where is your game installed
hdd or ssd
hdds run much slower and can cause your game to not load in
if you dont have an ssd you can try defragging your hdd