why i lose so much?
I get team mvp or match mvp on a loss and i lose like 25-30, why?!

175 Replies
because the game thinks you're shit based on multiple factors
more shit = more rr lost
So when you lost to people of a lower level to you, for example even if u were match mvp, if you were match mvp and lost to say irons then u would lose a LOT of rr
and if u were MVP but lost to say silvers, you would lose a lot less
How are you match mvp with 12/15. I think your lobby might be terrible and that's why you lose so much.
Just noticed that lmao
Yeah ur not that much higher then avg player in ur lobby then just slightly better and prob also playing against people under ur rank
I'd like a screenshot of that games scoreboard lol
bro ur 12-15
ur the reason the team lost
ur actually that one guy everyone hates in the lobby
the bottom fragging reyna
no comms
i want to choke u 

yea lol 12/15 is not good no matter how many match mvp's you get lmao
bro how is it possible to match mvp with 12-15
did the whole enemy team mollythemselves or what
yet they still won 💀

yea ur whole team just like
didnt click...
and the other team just farmed you guys lmao
The reason u lost rr is cuz even tracker.gg gave u a TRS of 392
how is he bottom fragging when he is match mvp
are u dumb or stupid 😭
if he match mvp'd at that kda then its probably him and his teammates
then why i lose 28 rr for this if enemy team has higher avg rank

Not by much
Whats the map score
what does that mean?
Like how many rounds each team got
Yeah 28 seems like a lot
The game hates you ig
they are practically the same rank
ya but why did i lose 28 for getting team mvp
and -23 for getting match mvp
its jsut valorant mmr in a nutshell
It's not a perfect aystem
1 tipis to just not filo
I know people go like pls fill Skye orhataever
But if you want the rr, you gotta get kills and overall being a duelist or whatever he comfortable with willso that. If the team gets the win it doesn't matter what agent yk
but still the 13k
@imfeylix why

ya but i only got 14
because 13-11
but i got match mvp?
You were versing people with a low MMR or RR and u didnt win by a lot
e.g if everyone u were up against were bronze 1, then that would explain it
Did you hit your head when you were a kid or are you naturally stupid
🤓 🤡
people make mistakes i didnt see the match mvp
i sent that like 6 days ago
you see the 12/15 but now the match mvp beside it??
bro its not that deep dont get ur feelings in
if u have anger issues i suggest u go get a therapist
🤡 💀 this guy bro
To be fair, your kda is still negative for both games
sadly ):
the struggle out of bronze has been crazy

Maybe just try sticking to one or two duelists instead of three for better consistency. Whichever one you're more comfortable with
i only play reyna and when reyna gets stolen i play raze
that neon game was a 1v1
play with a friend or 2
bronze 1 now!!! yay

friends quit val a while ago bro
find someone from lfg
ik im bronze and i shouldnt be saying this but my teamates are fucking ass
did that once. my team was shit
ur account is cursed make a new one lmao
im fr i was js like u
then i got to plat on the other account
but its deadass anoying when ur teamate goes 3 in 17
struggle is so real

what are the ranks like
smurfs or what
the other team
uh mostly bronze
sometimes silver and iron
my teamates are "bronze"
trust me
play on like an alt or smth
i spent to much money on this shit bro
damn the mvps tho
Not really his rank is just higher than his mmr so thats why
it is what it is
0-13 2-13
Bcuz they are prob a lower rank then u or on avg worst
Nah ive checked the games
Hmm maybe game avg was high
Team average rank is usually bronze 2 for the other team and occasionally it would be b1 or b3
Same goes for my team
Wdym by that?
Like avg player did really good so u didn’t stand out
So multiple players did really well
Even with match mvp?
For exmaple if like 3 enemies had 20+ kills as an example ud still not be seen as that much better then avg
oh ok
It be like 3 extra points bcuz the best then
nah i dont get extra points
Ok but thanks for telling me
okay wow

Idk for sure but I read from somewhere that riot will give/take less/more according to what rank it thinks you should be at- so like if it thinks you should only be bronze 3 and you’re really close to b3 it’ll give less
Like it’s really randommm idkkk 😭 I’m iron 2 and I played a comp match today with someone Iron 3 and we drawed but I got +10rr anyways and he got 0 (he had 22 kills and I had like 18 for context) so like I believe the game wants me iron 3 at least it’s like tryna boost or smth
pretty sure its something to do with mmr
like if your mmr is high
the game thinks you belong in gold
it puts you with gold
and you get more rr
but if its low
the game puts you with irons
you make less rr
because you got more deaths than kills, mvp isn't everything, you could have less deaths & less kills and lose way less than 25-30 RRç
your MMR is also important, you should be having your mmr good to win lots of RR & lose less RR
This season i have like a 1.47 kd and 55% winrate is that good
Yeaaah that’s what I meant essentially thanks for elaborating
1.4kd is decent, good for bronze of overall
your MMR is trash
bad opponents = low rr gain big rr lose.
also you might be duo queueing with people of a lower rank
How to get better mmr?
by destroying your lobby for many game
ill show you my games i played yesterday
2 game will not make your mmr go up that much
you atleast need to destroy 10 lobby to be to an average mmr again

Imma check the last time i went negative in a game
15 games ago

destroy lobby mean going 13/2 you dont only need kill, you need good acs, fast win etc
@bepzo and you should work your crosshair it look bad
Average acs for the day was 342 and 313
you dont do it in one day brother
Im showing u my previous games
idc 😅
its like that showing your stats will not change anything
Mb i thought i was gonna become diamond by showing you this
Is there anyway to “destroy a lobby” as Sage? 🥲 I main her for the most part and I really just help my duo destroy the lobby so <:Iso_Sip:1165484868570980452> getting kills is pretty hard when I’m tryna stay safe and heal my teammates, can I still do good according to valorant without having 20+ kills?
working your mechanic, learn grim wall, and your not a pocket sage or an healer
One match I was healing the crap out of this guy and he was getting compliments left and right for getting kills 💀 meanwhile nearly every fight he got into left him at 1hp and I had to heal him
So many rounds we wouldn’t have won if I didn’t heal/res the duelists
Then I don’t get any credit
yeah even if i was a main sage i would not play her again to much toxicity and not aggressive enough, skye is far better
😞 yeah I get like pestered to heal ppl a bunch of ppl don’t wanna use their big boy words and they just spam shoot me and I’m supposed to get the hint? Like the first time someone did it to me I didn’t understand that’s what they wanted then they call me useless 💀
But I play her because I can turn the tides with my res and res my duo or just like stopping pushes is easier with her orb
yeah but too many toxic and playing like that resume to help your team and if you die first you are "piece of shit" like they say, so you cant work mechanic and you only are an "healer" when your not
Yeah true, I like Skye too, but being able to heal yourself has come in handy for me sometimes- also since I’m Iron when I play Skye no one even lets me initiate 💀 I’ll try and flash or dog (I’ll tell them I’m flashing too) but they just push and get killed without me having time to relay info
I guess I just gotta get out of iron so I’ll just worry about myself first lmao
I just don’t wanna flash ppl 

you just play skye for yourself
who care its low elo
With the new update I gotta learn when to use the flash tho
I may do like one entry and save another for if it’s a 1v1 or smth
if you want you can just go with another agent
gekko is good until diams, kayo is good in every elo and even more with the nerf of skye
bronze lobbies go brr
2 words Skill issue
what's ur rank
focus on your mechanics so that no matter what agent your playing you can still hard carry. obviously some agents make carrying easier but you should be good enough to carry every game if you want to rank up fast
eat rice
You cant blame it on your teamates
My teamates:

u gotta be good enough to carry games

im sorry
im not dissing i do worse but you shouldve cropped it if u was gonna say "carry" 😭
good shit tho i could never 😔
the duality <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433>
our k/d ratio is really simular
you have a 1.38 and I have a 1.45 but you are diamond i am bronze 🤣
is it?!
most diamonds I fight against have less than 1.00 kd
kind of
mines only like 0.07 more then you
bad mmr
I got against ascendants in plat
about to get ascendant 💪
I get boosted iron 1s on my team
gl bro
im bouta hit silver

happens 😭

I remember my silver
this was my gold era

what what ur kd that season?
not much
1 probs
oh danh
had bad games afterwards
I have tons of bad games aswell
it's not always mvp
like here

yesterday i was playing bad so i just hopped off for the day
then I get bad games like this

I feel u
my goal is to get to silver 2 by the end of the season

I got a salary rise, which means buying skins 😎
any tips to get out of bronze tho?
don't go for kills
play with head
aas your teammates won't

It's quite simple. You don't belong in the rank you think
well too be fair you deserve a bit higher
high change you also flame your team after round 1
other way around
this game i playe like an houra go our sage was 1/3 and i was 0/2 and he was saying shit like "omg our duelist suck you have 0 kills" shit like that

on round 3
I think i deserve silver 2
the thing is that im a instalock reyna lol

everyone hates me
Best bet is playing on an alt
u deserve immortal
crazy take ngl
no he deservers it dont u see
his team holds him back
Just make an alt bro, when i lose a game with 1 kd on jett i lose like -7 because of performance bonus idk how. I am also bronze 2. And i get like +13 when i played cypher with like 17/17 kills (7th rank on the scoreboard)
Skill issue (jk ur get MMR so ull be in high elo even though ur rank is low)
thank you
ikr if i had normal teamates who knows how high i could go
not even immortal
prob radiant
Given that they lost 2-13 i guess its reasonable specially at bronze
1 hour just to get +6 rr

ay but we are close to hitting a 1.5kd so ill take it
happens too much
@bepzo Make a support ticket and ask them to reset your accounts stats
just get better
Ong bro, you fs deserve radiant, your bronze teammates are holding you back
I know
I honestly think someone should boost you to radiant 🙏
in bronze, you could easily carry yourself out if you good enough, you don't need teammates
I rather lose in bronze than in ascendant