Specs for a laptop
Can someone tell me the specs that is needed to have 100+fps on a laptop and which specs should I focus on trying to get.
And would a 32gb ram be enough or should I try to get 64gb ram for high fps
74 Replies
which laptop do u use
@thezstorm if you can dont buy a laptop
Hmm I move around soo I’d prefer a laptop
A shitty huawei matebook
I need a new one
RAM has not much to do with FPS, Try to look into a laptop with a good CPU and GPU.
Hmm what is cpu,like intel and amd ?
And is gpu like the graphics stuff
You got both correct.
Ohh I see
After 2 seconds on google I see Valorant is more of a CPU game then a GPU.
You have a budget in mind?
Around 900 dollars
Also what does ram do
Long story (aka google): RAM (random access memory) is a computer's short-term memory, where the data that the processor is currently using is stored. Your computer can access RAM memory much faster than data on a hard disk, SSD, or other long-term storage device, which is why RAM capacity is critical for system performance.
short story: Its temporary memory your pc need to progress things.
Thats also why you don't need 64Gb RAM, Your pc will never use it all at ones.
Hmm so like 32gb or 16 gb of ram would be fine for valorant
The minimum for Valorant is 4gb 👀 But I don't recommend that.
Indeed go for a laptop with 16/32gb ram.
I’m thinking of either getting ASUS tuf f15 or Lenovo idea pad gaming 3
With probably like 16/32gb ram
3050rtx or ti version
And maybe like i7 or i5 11 gen
A laptop with specs like that can easily run Valorant.
How much fps do u think?
Like 150?
Currently I’m playing on like 60 and it goes below so often
The suffer is real
Something like that, But more then enough for Valorant.
Also don't forget that the laptop you are buying got a SSD and not a HDD.
Is 12gb ram enough also
What’s the difference
It should be yes.
dont buy a laptop
you will regret it
because they cost too much and are ass
I wanna be able to move my laptop ;-;
you can move a computer tho
and youre not playing valorant on a couch without burning your legs
and crushing them because they are so heavy
its not worth it bro trust me
SSD is faster and does not break easily but is more expensive.
HDD is slower and got a moving disk inside that makes it more vulnerable but is cheaper.

Playing Valorant on a laptop is indeed a pain but is a personal preference.
plus you have to bend your neck downwards and its just not good ergonicodkfmically
Eh I play on a desk fine with my current laptop
It’s just trash
also the keyboard will get hot and if you want to use another keyboard you have to either place the keyboqrd on top of the laptop keyboard or put the screen like 2 feet away
and you cant see shit
Lol ik I put my keyboard on top of it
plus in like 6 years youll have to buy an entirely new one
You are only thinking about if he/she is gaming on a couch.
the keyboard gets hot when youre not a couch 🤯
also you have to deal with a trackpad under your keyboard if your putting the keyboard on top
and if youre a normal person and rest your keyboard hand itll touch the trackpad and mess you up
and if you move the keyboard too much then itll press buttons on the laptop keyboard
plus you cant move the bottom of the laptop without moving the screen
because itll shit itself
Then what kind of setup do you have in mind 👀
and you have to buy a new one because it cant run games no more
the shit in it cant run game no more
Why can’t it run anymore after like 6 year even tho I’m buying a good one xD
Its a laptop
Does it get too old or sm
you cant just put new stuff in it
like if you wanna upgrade it you cant
I’m sure it can still run but just not as good as it used to be
so then if youre a low sens player or do a lot of wide flicks then youll just hit the side of the laptop
You can with some parts
and yoy cant do anythigb about it without moving the entire screen 90° to the left
its just a hassle you do not have to deal with
the risk is not worth the reward bro
True true
Clearly you don't like gaming on laptops, And I can't agree more. But its all a personal preference.
To explain you you cant clean it easily, they tend to over heat easily, also we can have same spec with a laptop and a pc but the performance will not the same so you pay for composant but not at their 100% + you cant change the composant so you need to buy a new one
^ to add into this, a pc with the same specs as a laptop can be hundreds of dollars cheaper
Prebuilt are also pretty cheap too
I think I got a good deal on mine
they will still be like $200-$500 more because of service fees and the stuff they install
It’s a 4070 ti i9 13900k 64 gb ram and 2 tb of storage for 1900
I tried to go on pc part picker it was like more expensive
problem is they cheap out on other parts
like 4 sticks of ram instead of dual channel or a worse cooler and ram
prebuilts emphasize the cpu and gpu so much they sometimes massively cheap out other stuff
Idk mines dual channel and 1000 watt gold rated
U just gotta research
And look for sales
whats your cooler
and ram speed
ddr4 or 5
what motherboard and cpu cooler
Lemme check rq
It’s a 360mm cooler and and while playing valorant it stays below 80
I don’t know brand

This is a pic idk what motherboard
more than 150, i got an office laptop i5, 16gb ram, integrated amd graphics and i can get 200 on low settings
u guys are over estimating val
another friend has an i3 intel hd 8gb ram and gets 40 lol
You don't need much to run Valorant but a good pc/laptop helps alot
thats not bad actually
W prebuilt
Ty 😄
I have a rtx 3050 with i5 intel 11th gen 16gb andi. Cant tellvyou that i can run 144 fps on medium ghraphics
Yes its a laptop
And if u wanna play on max just stay at like 90 fps
@thezstorm buy Asus tuf
i have a huawei matebook and i get like 110 fps
how much can u get on low?
Doesnt matter since mu monitor can only go up to 144 hz
Also you don't need more fps, Your eyes can't progress it anyways.