27 Replies
1 560 is your edpi pro and coach say around 200/400
Ok thanks
while it is personal peference a high sens isnt needed for this game and that sens is very high
beyond high
im 32000 dpi with 10 sens ingame
is it too high?
thats pretty slow no?

thats too low
u cant even do 180s
ahh yeah my bad ill make it higher..somehow
i checked again its 3200 0.65
But im used to it
too slow bro you can't even flick with that sens
@v6rt you shoot head? You can do good flick ? Your micro ajustement are good ?
head not very often
flick yes
the other thingy yes
@v6rt wdym you dont shoot head ? Bad crosshair placement ?
I use 800 dpi at around 0.44 is that too high?
no sens is too high if you're used to it
nor is any sens too low
if you can play it
go to aim labs theres a valorant thing where u can do a little test and find ur perfect sensitivity
Is it free
i said not very oftem
i didnt say i dont shoot head
Thanks for the advice
Yea its free
Oh okay
Oki ty will try it out tmr
btw as a gekko main which other agents do u think i should try
@v6rt for skye is the best after gekko/kayo and breach, in reveal ini sova and fade are =
I will get kayo and breach fs
But sova isnt it
i wont lie im not sure how well it works
i mean its a whole lot better then useing something random off the internet lol
if anything do it hop in the range see if you've overshooting or undershooting then adjust from these
Ok ty
Is this not just a multiplier bro