Ping Issue Even Though I Have good internet

i would like some help i keep having ping issues even though my avg internet speed is 100mbps + and it only happens on val everything else works fine and i get like 20 - 30 consistent but then it will randomly go to 100+ and then back to 20 - 30
60 Replies
𝓟✩radoxe 🌴
same problem, tell me if u find a fix please!
Demon o' Tempest
i will be sure to let you know
Demon o' Tempest
i noticed this that whenever i am lagging like that my riot is taking upto 20 - 30 % of cpu
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Sui7mo ago
i dont think cpu usage has anything to do with ping spikes? it might depend on your isp or the overload on ur internet also do you have fiber?
Demon o' Tempest
bro :l yes i do have
Sui7mo ago
thats weird then
Demon o' Tempest
and plus i am sure it has nothing to do with overloading off my internet when i checked through the stats i checked that the game latency(cpu) spikes whenever my ping spikes
rice enjoyer
rice enjoyer7mo ago
this problem happens to me too ping jumps to 100 some times but my wifi is hella fast
Demon o' Tempest
this is what helped me
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Demon o' Tempest
you have to go to control panel > network and internet > Network and sharing center > Change Adapter Settings(left side of the control panel) > select your internet and then right click and properties > then select Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) and click on properties and over there make sure it looks like this :l idk why but someone dmed me this and now i dont have as much as ping spikes as i did
_Nam_7mo ago
mumbai srvers? jio fibre?
mythea7mo ago
if changing dns didn't help u(u may try other dns as the best dns is different for everyone), do these in cmd with admin privilege netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns another possibility is ur router overheating, shut it down for a few minutes
Demon o' Tempest
mumbai servers not jio fiber oh i fixed it :l first i did the dns server thing but after that out of nowhere i suddenly started having huge ping spikes check the task bar it was riot games taking up 50% cpu and simple thing i right clicked and end task on riot games my valorant was still running everything was working fine and my ping and fps and everything went back to normal and i was able to play normally ^ this might work for you ig it fixed it for me :l bro i fixed it for a while not its happening again i cant find a permanent solution to it i am confused since in stats if i check i see that whenever the ping spikes the game latency(cpu) also spikes nothing else spikes only the game latency(cpu) if the issue is with my cpu i have a i7 10th gen i think
Sui7mo ago
i truly doubt cpu would be the issue it would have to be severely overloaded xD
mythea6mo ago
desktop or laptop did u do these commands and restart? and also try reinstalling ur network drivers
Pie6mo ago
I have the same issue too, i've been trying to fix thir for 2 weeks and i just can't find the permanent solution
Demon o' Tempest
yes i did
Alkhovik6mo ago
did voice chat work after this? bc i know it runs through the riot games app also wifi or ethernet?
Demon o' Tempest
Alkhovik6mo ago
that would probably be why wifi is unstable all wifi not urs specifically
Demon o' Tempest
like will it work if i use the ethernet cable since i do have one and it does connect to my laptop and it does work
Alkhovik6mo ago
it should be more stable and if the issue is internet related it should stop the spikes
Demon o' Tempest
ok like i am not sure if its the internet or my laptop since it gives CPU + GPU Render Latency Spikes = fps and ping spikes i am not so sure i ll try ethernet
rvma6mo ago
any help?, i do everything that is recommended but the "ping" problem continue even with 35ms
Zen._.6mo ago
Same issue, used to get 15-20 ping, been getting 30 ping from the past few months I get spikes to 80 sometimes Never had such issues before sep 2023
rvma6mo ago
funny bc "official help" doesnt help a shit and in a 1m server no one can help with it
OsWaynZz6mo ago
@.zen._. @rvma are you on NA ? because many NA server got problem if your not than make a ticket on riot website, the support can help you they did for me
rvma6mo ago
im playing in LAS solo and LAN with friends,
OsWaynZz6mo ago
rvma6mo ago
but idk, in lan (bogota) im playing with 100ms and this doesnt happen southamerican server santiago (chile)
OsWaynZz6mo ago
oh okay idk never heard of problem on chile you should try to make a ticket on riot website
rvma6mo ago
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OsWaynZz6mo ago
cant help you more
rvma6mo ago
I'll make a ticket, at first I thought it was my internet np, i'll try with the ticket it's playable but in moments the movement is random ty
mythea6mo ago
have u tried a different dns?
rvma6mo ago
switched from - to - and same results
mythea6mo ago
try others bruh there's alot of dns u can try out if u have issues with almost all or all of them, and have others experiencing the same with u, then it's likely to be on their end
Zen._.6mo ago
Nope I play on Mumbai servers How did they help?
Demon o' Tempest
for me the issue fixed by using a ethernet cable to connect my laptop to the router now i am not getting any ping issues a and overall i feel like i am playing a whole new game since fps was never a problem for me i get avg of above 100
Zen._.6mo ago
Did it reduce ping or improve stability?
Demon o' Tempest
yes it did very much so like i found a drastic change in smoothness and stability and now i am not facing ping issues at all
Zen._.6mo ago
So it drastically improved stability but didn’t decrease the ping Nice
Demon o' Tempest
Zen._.6mo ago
Cool I have my router at the tv hall and my pc like a mile away
Demon o' Tempest
:o that must suck mine is like right next it
Zen._.6mo ago
So I have no way that I can play with ethernet
Demon o' Tempest
and i am lucky that my laptop has a ethernet cable port
Zen._.6mo ago
My pc comes with one A very good one
Demon o' Tempest
Zen._.6mo ago
But it just carries dust uk 🥲
Demon o' Tempest
like overall the ethernet fixed my ping spikes and i saw the difference instantly so yea thats the one solution ive found maybe you can try searching related to how to make wifi connection stable or something
Benevolence6mo ago
no make riot support ticket they check your riot logs and give you instructions
Demon o' Tempest
i ve tried :l didnt really help overall but you can try if you want
Benevolence6mo ago
idk then ive never had that problem i mean it happens to me when the weather is very bad but not normally
Demon o' Tempest
do you use ethernet or wifi
OsWaynZz6mo ago
Mumbai have a lot of problem too, i think its not from you
Zen._.6mo ago
I actually did for a matter of fact, they blamed it on my isp. I reached my isp, explained my issue, they diagnosed the route from the internet to their servers and it turned out that it was on riots end They messed up all of their servers Not just NA In my opinion
Benevolence6mo ago
Saucywan6mo ago
ping -t check the time= for ping see if there is a spike leave it for a bit after press ctrl + c
Saucywan6mo ago
Then read the output ^
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