Graphics drivers crashed error
I keep crashing randomly as the title suggests. Some potentially necessary background information:
I built my current PC about 10 days ago, every game works perfectly fine and haven't ran into any issues besides crashing on Valorant for whatever reason. I did have consistent crashes on the first day I tried Valorant, did a bit of troubleshooting and it was fine until 2 days ago where the crashes began to occur yet again... My specs are:
- GPU: MSI RTX 3060Ti 8GD6X
- CPU: Ryzen 5 7600X
- MOBO: MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk
- PSU: Corsair RM850e
- OS: Windows 10 Pro
- DX: DirectX 12
This PC should be more than enough as I didn't run into any Valorant issues besides some FPS drops here and there on my old rig with far worse specs. After troubleshooting again I could play a swiftplay without crashing but when I went into competitive I crashed 3 times before not attempting to reboot the game anymore due to frustration. I tried about everything except rolling back my GPU drivers - which isn't possible since I only have 1 driver installed.
My DirectX, Windows or GPU drivers aren't outdated so I don't understand this error. I have played on a lot of different settings but nothing seems to do the trick. I am quite hopeless at this point so I was wondering whether anyone on this subreddit might have a fix for my issue?
I also deleted some crash report files within my Valorant localappdata folder as a YouTube guide regarding this isuse mentioned, sadly it didn't work either.

10 Replies
What’s your Graphic Drivers latest update date? Have you tried downloading Drivers from the official website of your Graphic Card?
Because if you press Update Driver and it says its up to date, Most likely referring to the latest update you have installed.
Because this issue is likely a driver issue.
I cannot check it properly rn but it's 15-03
As far as I know
You might be onto something though, I didn't consider that I might have installed an outdated driver
Would you recommend uninstalling the driver and reinstalling the latest driver from the Nvidia website? @Deleted User 7dg36792
What date is your Driver right now?
when you go into properties
and before u click “Update Driver”
it should say a date beside it
Cannot check rn as I'm at the office, but I'm 95% sure that it said 15-03-2023
That's the date I installed the driver from the official Nvidia website
I installed the driver from the website and proceeded to update it immediately
Okay, check for me when you’re home also check if there’s any newer drivers updates in the Nvidia Website
Will do, thank you! 

I'm currently downloading last nights' GPU driver, hopefully that'll resolve the issue
Also deleted every single Valorant file which was still on my PC and redownloading the game now
Hoping everything'll work.
Current version is 531.41
Lmk if you need further assistance.
Will do, thank you kindly thus far :)