VALORANT16mo ago

Ive just had my account locked?

I was loading into a game and all of a sudden my screen just freezes, my account has been locked for 200 years? Obviously i dont cheat, nothing out of the ordinary was happening before this, is it possible ive been banned for no reason? no toxicity either. I really dont know, i spent 100 ish gbp on this account too.
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11 Replies
RosySkull16mo ago
I have this issue too i have no iea what it came from
Twisted16mo ago
believe or not. i was sufferin from a tpm problem and now found out that am banned such a really good game.
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Xmanb16mo ago
I would suggest looking at this Lol
Visor16mo ago
let me guess botted level 20 ranked ready account?
Xmanb16mo ago
Hhahahaaa Riot smich posted the link somewhere Here we go
Xmanb16mo ago
1 💬 2 🔁 24 ❤️ 2,548 👁️
FixTweet / FixupX
Anti-Cheat Police Department 🕵️ (@AntiCheatPD)
Please do not waste money on buying ranked ready accounts as they are all BOTTED afked accounts and you will be banned eventually. ↘️ Quoting GamerDoc (@ItsGamerDoc) We have launched a bot ban wave on VALORANT. If you haven't manually leveled your accounts, the ban is correctly placed, and you will be met with the screenshot in the tweet. Re...
ehsan16mo ago
riot support suck lmaop
Tartauros16mo ago
They are great! They unbanned me after i was false banned 2 months ago
OsWaynZz16mo ago
@x2ehsan most of the time if they say they found something they found something they are for sure one of the best support out there if you dont trust me i let you go see ubisoft, epic game, tarkov, or even blizzard you will laugh
James15mo ago
VANGUARD15mo ago
VALQuestion If you require assistance, want to discuss a ban or an in-game restriction, if you were hacked or lost access to your account, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new. Alternatively, - If you need to recover your account because it was hacked for example, you can follow these steps. - If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them here. - If you were banned or received an in-game penalty, please read this article.

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