Got hacked and cheater got my account to plat. im bronze and scared to queue now

i havent played in a while, tried to play and my account had recently been suspended due to cheating. i looked into it and realized i had been hacked. Submitted a ticket, and got my account back. Well now my account is Gold 3 almost plat 1. I do not want to play comp because i know i will just get bullied because i have no where near enough skill to compete. im normally bronze and that was 6 months ago when i did play. i dont know what to do
9 Replies
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
Unfortunately, I believe you will be stuck at the rank you are now. I would be glad to have your account back and at least start playing whether its unranted or comp. You will be placed somewhere when you play as you win and lose so wouldn’t worry about that
wyvern2y ago
ws2y ago
I was hacked a month ago when I played back Valorant after a long break and they didn’t help me rank up but he deranked KEKW
app2y ago
honestly just play and if you derank then you derank
you can play some unranked or be in the range to practice before going comp
app2y ago
me2y ago
You could just place every episode and it'll derank automatically. Or just play no comms classic only or something.
James2y ago
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