finnaly got the money for my pc but I cant but it till april till i move you guys think i can play it with this?

11 Replies
you should get a solid 40-50 frames with that
you'll be fine
but not any insane performance
and if you tweak val even more you could def reach 60-70 fps
I would say from a technical side run low graphics if you don't have a proper GPU for now you should see a performance increase with FPS. But, make sure you have a steady network either just a good router or Ethernet. I believe you should be fine on a Ryzen 3 for now consider a upgrade in the future with them having out the new editions and stuff. If you need recommendations for anything lmk and i can send you some compatible and affordable suggestions.
Thats playable but its gonna kind of look like ass
save up for like a rx 580
or a 1660 Ti they have gone down to about 200-250 due to the new 40 series
its like a 100 bucks more than 580 tho idk if its in his budget
go for what you can afford but more importantly what you want and that you can run it
AMD Ryzen 3 5300U \ AMD Radeon Graphics \ Valorant tested at 1080p ...
I was testing Valorant on the Ryzen 3 5300U, its integrated Radeon Graphics, and 16GB dual-channel RAM at 1080p low settings. The performance was very good. Really well playable. Even connecting a 144Hz display would work out very well.
⭐Tested system:⭐
▪ HP Pavilion Laptop 15-eh1732ng
▪ AMD Ryzen 3 5300U
▪ 16 GB RAM 3200MHz dual-channel (2x8GB)...
yo game gonna look like this
I’m getting a 4080 and an intel core i7 with 16gb of ram next month don’t really wanna waste money rn
I will try guys thank you
Also I got a problem I only go 3.6gb ram usable