Computer Upgrade
Yo guys I want to upgrade my computer so I can record in good quality my clips , on what parts should I focus on ?
39 Replies
Usually when you replace one part you need to replace another so the new part can work efficiently, normally the only thing you can change solo is the graphics card or drive, which I'd defo recommend getting a 2TB SSD as higher quality clips are going to take up more space. but it really depends on what you have in you pc already

already have 2TB
first a gpu, a better cpu, 2tb and a good connection to upload your clip and to stream
Defo a new CPU
good connection and 2TB already
CPU is graphic card or processor ?
so you'd need a new mb most likely. what ddr is your ram? 4?
ddr (sorry i'm learning english tech words) ?
its like the generation of ram
so it should say on one of the sticks if you can look at them
ddr 4 yh
okay so that's decent enough, however you only have 16GB and if you are planning on editing clips you'll need some more
idk I used to edit clips and it was doing great
only problem rn
is that I dont have enough FPS to record in good quality + play without FPS drop
cuz I used to have a 60hz monitor and I have like 150 fps
now I have a 144hz one
so I can't record anymore
CPU is probably struggling to process the quality while recording. What graphics card do you have?
he dont have one
using on-board graphics for a video game? that is most likely the problem
on board ? its cpu integrated from what his spec is telling
Same thing, just call it on board graphics
on board is good for like, office work and web browsing, not really the best for gaming
oh okay idk in my country it we call just cpu integrated
But, they might have separate GPU, just may not have listed it.
No worries
and yea totally agree, work for gaming at some point but for streaming and recording its dead
Call in on board because the motherboard has to support it, not just the cpu 😄
Im supprised the pc hasn't blown up tbf
xD jk, but seriously do invest in a GPU
ryzen are solid
they dont overheat easily
Sorry my poor attempt at a joke, they do pretty well for keeping cool, nothing at all like intel, but intel still has my heart
Fr 💀
cpu, motherboard every 2 gen, and ram in some cases <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433>
Like they made the i9-13900KS impossible to cool, Asked NZXT for their advice and they went yeah, good luck cooling it, intel don't gaf about the heating issues
Motherboards are so pricey too it hurt
634,88 € in my country the cpu and there is 10%
yeah that why
i lied

also, are u using igpu?
if u don't want to buy a dgpu
u can get the 5600g
or 5700g 5800g if u want better performance
depends on ur budget
all of them should be much better than ur current 3400g
u will need to update ur bios first tho
intel moment
or x3d chips with dgpu
forgot to mention
since u have 3400g there's a high chance u have an a series mobo...
be sure to check out if ur mobo's vrm can supply enough power to ur cpu or not
I have a graphic card...
GTX 1660
oh yeah
then just upgrade ur cpu
to something like 5600x 5700x
or x3d chips if u want
5600x or 5600x3d should be enough

apu goes crazy
okay thanks