12 Replies
if you dont have a credit or debit card or any prepaid val codes, you can go to the store adn get a visa prepaid giftcard but u have to pay an extra $5 for activivation fee and then u can buy the valorant gift card on amazon
i reccomend doing this so u dont have to pay tax
do they ship u the phsycal copy
or is it just the digital
for me
one time it took
3 seconds
one time it took an hpur
so dont be worried if it doesnt come immediately
it shows up in ur order libaraby and ur gmail
Amazon removed the feature unfoutanatly.
its not working
are u not allowed to buy val gift card with amazon giftcards?
it says "your gift card balance can't be applied to orders that contain certain items per amazon gift card terms and conditions"
u cant use amzon credit to buy gift cards
do u need a credit/debit card linked to ur account

did i select the wrong one

they prob can't be used on virtual goods
check the terms and conditions
oh cant use giftcards to buy gift cards
is there any way around it
uh wdym
u CANT use amazon gift cards
to buy any sort of giftcard
dw i bought an amazon gc once to do the same'
i learned u cant do that the hard way
u can get a visa giftcard tho
and buy it