Is it normal for your teammate brim to ult you in a Ranked Match?
I was ulted twice a moment ago in a ranked match on split. I was playing iso and everytime brim had ult he ulted me. Both times it was once the round started. What can I do about this? How should this be handled.
11 Replies
you found a troll brim
He just wanna kill you to troll the match
Do I simply report him and hope its handled? Or do I just pretend this didnt happen. Im not sure if reporting him will make a difference or not.
Report him for trolling the team or abusive behavior, just ignore he make this and ask the other team to report either
okay, ill go ahead and report him. Imma leave these here so ppl know this help question was srs ❤️
that's a fun lobby
they simply just witness you dying tho LMAO
it was a really unfun match, but i beared with it. My rr was ruined though haha. Tryna stay optimistic
lmaoooo its ight, u sometimes get this kind of team, but it occurs rarely
why tf are you staying in the ult and killing yourself
first time i tried to get out, and the second time i had already given up since he was trolling since the game started
but you want to save your rr