
refund system is confusing

not long ago, maybe last week or two I went onto Valorants support refund site to check what eligible items I had to refund, there was nothing I could refund, today I come back to see if anything’s changed to see WEAPON UPGRADES refundable for RADIANITE from MONTHS ago Is this normal? I heard there might be some type of 90 day policy, but no where is that stated
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6 Replies
gabOP3y ago
It would also be pretty counter efficient since literally above these refunds states RADIANITE and WEAPON UPGRADES can’t be refunded
gabOP3y ago
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gabOP3y ago
But my only refunds are weapon upgrades in exchange for radianite
gabOP3y ago
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Kinito3y ago
;-; i explained to the best of my ability how it works idk how else to explain it to you
gabOP3y ago
I believe your word dw, I just want to see what others think of it I don’t look for answers im more so wondering if anyone else is confused with how vals wording stuff on their support page is countering their actual refunding system

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