GPU and CPU underutilization causing low and wildly inconsistent fps
I have rtx 3050 laptop gpu 4gb, R7 4800H and 16gb ram, sometimes it happens that my GPU and CPU utilisation are only at 20~%, and also the fans are much quiter, I get less than 80 fps and they are very inconsistent.
my drivers are up to date and yes the game is using the correct GPU.
I dont know what exactly causes this, sometimes it happens other times it doesnt.
I've disabled fullscreen optimisation, vsync, I limit fps at 144 and Im on win 10.
for reference, when everything works normally, I get about 150-200 fps
7 Replies
did u turn on vsync or limit ur fps?
disable them
your cpu is likely to be the bottleneck, and/or your ram is a single stick and not dual-channel
make sure you play with your laptop plugged in as well, most gaming laptops don't use all their power if you're on battery
thats not going to happen, the 3050 laptop is like rx 470

also he already said for reference, he has 150-200 fps usually
could be the charging thing then
i think so
Dual channel
It's not bottlenext as I said, sometimes it works fine I get 150+, other times this nonsense happens
And yes I always plug in while gaming
it works today for some reason