how to improve without playing

Hello guys. I`m a bronze3/silver1 player but I can only play valo during weekends and wanted to ask what I can do to Improve something like my gamesence without playing. like studying valorant.
16 Replies
Bmboje16mo ago
Exercise your hand, get faster reaction time, and study game sense. You can also watch some valorant clips for guides..
Ellis16mo ago
optimize your settings (mouse sensitivity,...), start analysing your game (like spray patterns, weak reaction spots,...) with or without a tracking app
BeiRay16mo ago
watch pro plays and just predict where your opponents are crosshair placement is key dont spray, tap burst
翔唯16mo ago
OsWaynZz16mo ago
learn all you do on mechanic and apply them during the week end, after that all you can do is working on your gamesense by looking at video
ashton16mo ago
Remove all distractions around you for a start, make sure to fully lock in, focus on your gamesense even mid-round, make sure you're aware of the recoil of whatever gun you're using. All that shit Just make sure you're fully locked in, make call-outs, call flashes All that That's just in-game. But as you can only play on weekends, through the day (if you want) you can watch guides, streams, high elo players just playing casually just to watch what they do and try to mirror how they play the best you can but just stick with whatever sense suits you best
BeiRay15mo ago
i use 2.5 is that to high
ashton15mo ago
Not up to me, just test them and try new sens out.
OsWaynZz15mo ago
2.5 ? Not 0.25 ? Then yes very high even if you play on 400 dpi
BeiRay15mo ago
yes 2.5 i am jett main
OsWaynZz15mo ago
@beiray can i ask you what rank you are because with that sens i would say you are not more then silver
BeiRay15mo ago
im gold 2
OsWaynZz15mo ago
@beiray yep record yourself and see if you go far from from the head, if you are shaking but im pretty sure it will stop you from grinding to tell you 0.35 is the mid sens on 800 dpi
water.15mo ago
You can't improve gamesense without actually playing the game and experiencing it yourself You can watch all the yt videos in the world but they won't help unless you experience the situation yourself
The 11th Alphabet
Analyse ur VOD, see what mistakes u made, and also compare them to pros VOD to visualize better on what u do wrong. But if im being completely honest, u cant improve much without putting hours in val.
56.1115mo ago
focus on school

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