Played Escalation with 5 players named "REHMI/rehmi" and 4 players name "ipl"

I couldn't tell at first if they were bots or if it was due to ALL of them having 300 ping. I got it on video and they were sending random letters in chat and "play with me!" They sometimes responded to me seemingly in another language on text chat. I'm so confused and wondering if anyone else has encountered this? It's even weirder that BOTH teams had all the same names, except for me.
4 Replies
MelodieBunnieOP14mo ago
I wouldn't have questioned it if they didn't act like bots and it was only one team that had all the same name :p
fecker14mo ago
BOTS Iron 1
OsWaynZz14mo ago
@melodiebunnie yeah its account leveling to sell them
MelodieBunnieOP14mo ago
Ohh okay ty

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