Can someone tell me if I am ready for Diamond or not? I just got Platinum rank

I guess more specifically any overview of my stats would also help since I am not entirely sure what each statistic means, or how it translates to what my strengths, weaknesses, etc. are
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55 Replies
Chovel2y ago
ur only ready for plat 2
BobbyOP2y ago
how come
Ty2y ago
I just hit diamond and honestly it is going to be very hard if you continue to play sova. Now if you play with a stack it will make it easier. I play Breach and Duelist solo queue and usually I have to top frag to win. I recommend picking up a character with flashes or a Duelist. Remember val is a game of teamwork unless your skill is that good then it's a team effort. Find a good team or improve on a Duelist
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
you just hit plat and you went negative in your last game it will take you some time to reach diamond
D4N2y ago
if you just got plat you wouldnt be ready for diamond 😂
BobbyOP2y ago
Could anyone help me understand the stats a bit Not sure exactly 100% what the significance of them are
Aespho2y ago
ur not ready for diamond yet, ur improving at a decent rate and are a good gold-low plat player but no
Aespho2y ago
looking at ur progression
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Aespho2y ago
if u pop off u might hit p3 next act
Tartauros2y ago
Says nothing
Aespho2y ago
Rank progression is what im talking about If hes climbing at that rate
Tartauros2y ago
Doesnt say shit
Tartauros2y ago
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Tartauros2y ago
Also got to mention from e6 a1- e6 a3 i only played less then 20 hours so no, dont say you were stuck I didnt play
Aespho2y ago
nobody is sayin anyones stuck? and if ur tryna flex , i went from b2 to p3 in 1 act so dont even 💀 and im currently immo
Tartauros2y ago
Im not trying to flex, jist saying rank progress doesnt mean hes boosted
Aespho2y ago
im not sayin hes boosted, im saying hes gonna hit p3 next act if he climbs at his current rate?
Tartauros2y ago
Also being immo is no flex now a days, most people suck
Aespho2y ago
true .
Tartauros2y ago
He can progress more
Aespho2y ago
keyword can, im giving an estimate on how far he most likely will progress
Tartauros2y ago
No need to estimate Friends of me went from silver to immo in 1 act lol
Aespho2y ago
not everyone is ur friend, im trynna give him realistic standards cuz thats what he wants i mean idec so im gonna talk anymore
Tartauros2y ago
We cant base anything of stats thats what im trying ti say Need vod before saying anyrhing
Aespho2y ago
BobbyOP2y ago
How is immo not a flex? Immo is >1% of all Valorant players Not trying to sound rude its just a genuine question If you are better than 99.5% of all Valorant players, I dont know how that is not a flex Usually, and this is just sort of the standard for most competitive games, but "high elo" is where people justify that someone can flex their rank And that it is not "justifiable" to flex your rank if you are anything below high elo And usually, high elo starts at Diamond. Since League kind of standardized the "ore rankings"
Tartauros2y ago
Its easy to get nowadays You can get immo by run n gun Friends of me never played this game Went from silver to immo in 1 act by just running it down with aim Trust me, ive seen better plat players then immos Yesterday someone didnt even knew he had to hold to defuse like
BobbyOP2y ago
If its easy to get why is 99% of all Valorant players not Immortal The math is not adding up here That doesnt sound "easy"
Fzyy2y ago
havent even checked your tracker but dont let stats define you they dont matter only stat that matters is your winrate the only time the other would matter if they are way too low compared to others at your rank
BobbyOP2y ago
Winrate is 63.5%
D4N2y ago
stats r just a bunch of numbers you can have 90% headshot accuracy but you refuse to comm or play with your team its not a very accurate indicator of your skill level
Fzyy2y ago
mhm me over here with my 120 adr and average 150 acs :KEKW: i try to igl and comm well though which is what got me to immo
spook2y ago
THIS! im imm3 and i have a 1.0kd and 120 acs. But I hard IGL every single game. IGLing is worth so much elo if you do it correctly.
what does igl mean
spook2y ago
In game leader. It means you are making the calls for what you want your team to do look up a YT on how to IGL correctly
Fzyy2y ago
what pisses me off is when your team completely disregards your calls and just say "but u hav no kil!!11" my kda doesnt matter if im igling for you guys you have it easy they can just listen and go pew pew yk
spook2y ago
fs. It gets better once u get into those imm3/rad lobbies but even in their they sometimes ego you because you have a bad KD it's also harder to frag out as IGL since when you are doing it correctly it tires you out so much faster than just queing it up and running it down for fun I can only play like 3-4 solid 100% full effort games if im hard IGLing my team
Tartauros2y ago
Once you will get to the higher ranks you will see why
Aespho2y ago
Problem in my servers (i was immo3 in apac but moved to emea/bahrain recently and am now immo2) is that nobody listens and half of em r racist as fuck ngl ahaha Depending on ur team environment, igling can either be the key to winning or the key to having ur game thrown As the person who was sayin im immo, it is a flex but also isnt a flex because of the amount of boosting and bs ways to rankup these days (5q)
BobbyOP2y ago
@Aizu one of my friends believes that it is a requirement to comm with others in order to make it to high elo(high elo being diamond or above)
Aespho2y ago
Its much easier to do so and important to do so if u wanna get better, then again no commers exist and nobody liked them Comming is 100% important, and IGLing is useful if nobodys giving strats
spook2y ago
they did a little bit to combat the 5q boosting now if you are over asc you can only invite people over plat to your party (for comp) meaning you can't get 4 imm smurfs on iron alts. Still not a complete fix but it's a step in the right direction
Aespho2y ago
Damn alr
Tartauros2y ago
Not true Was in game yesterday (5stack) 1 immo3 and 4golds so gg Yes coms ARE good, but MOST people dont know how to com THINKING they com correctly. Only com if you know how to
spook2y ago
Valorant leaks lied to me );
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Aespho2y ago
eh basics are important, the minimum (what i mean by 100%) is dmg comms at the least
spook2y ago
nah com no matter what you don't NEED to igl if you don't know how to but you need to com if you are trying to win if you aren't comming you don't want to win
Tartauros2y ago
Yes you are Whst i mean Most people think they com good but dont know calls Or they com sometimes and talk random sht For example The enemies come from CT And you have ct main and t main They com: MAIN MAIN MAIN
spook2y ago
that's mainly an issue for lower rated players. But even if im on my asc2 alt acc I would rather have someone try to com than someone not com at all and if you are constiently having bad coms- learn the correct callouts. Your teamates will let you know when you fuck up. Learn the correct callouts when you are lower rated and it will help you climb It also just helps with your teamates mental if you are being vocal/IGLing from my expierence. May not be the case for all elo's but I think being vocal improves your teams energy and mental
ACherry60492y ago
you dont have CT main and T main - that's you making up callouts for areas that are already established in game Realistically, there is absolutely no way to tell if you're a diamond player or not based upon stats. Stats are irrelevant without context. You could have a 1.5k/d because you bait all of your teammates and pick up meaningless exit frags all the time, or a 40% headshot rate because you refuse to spray, even if spraying is the correct play. Stats are only useful (and I say that as someone who really thinks stats are never useful tbh) if they're provided alongside a VOD. The differences between plat and diamond are generally: A. Reasoned utility usage - As you get into mid-high diamond, people actually start using utility with intent, and then playing around that utility. People become aware of what areas of a site are smoked, for example, and correctly play around those areas. In plat, you generally just get "site is smoked" and people no brain into site. B. Higher kill potential - Generally, people are more adept at refragging/trading their teammates. Good controllers and initiators will begin to trade out the duelists as they entry, and site executres will become less baity. Additionally, you'll get significantly less value from playing common defense and attack positions brainlessly. C. Aim becomes less relevant - Because the util usage is more reasoned and people are more conscious, you'll see less dry peeks. They still exist, but rounds aren't won and lost through stupid 50/50s or people swinging overconfidently at a gun disadvantage This isn't an exhaustive list, but general things you'll see. If you think you're making mistakes that I've mentioned in the above, or not doing the good things I've mentioned, it'd probably be worth working on them to help you get to diamond
Tartauros2y ago
Iknow as you can read i said example
Fzyy2y ago
speaking straight facts
ACherry60492y ago
Why would you use an example that literally doesn't exist
Tartauros2y ago
To show you how dumb people call lmao That you on your pfp? If so congratulations man❤️
julie julie
julie julie10mo ago
Hello, can someone help me understand how to play as a platinum 1 so I can rank up?

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